99. Intuition Can Save Your Life (Literally)
I have to admit, for someone who works with energy and considers themselves to be a channeler, my intuition for myself isn’t always spot on. This is kind of a touchy subject in the spiritual world. Some of the best channelers I know have zero intuition regarding themselves. And other strong channelers say you have nothing unless you have intuition about yourself. While I feel that that perspective is a little bit dramatic, one can only wonder if it’s partially right.
I consider myself relatively tuned into my purpose (for now), but I certainly stumble on the day to day. Reason being is that as a channeler, I can hear and see things quite quickly. But it’s not always clear where this information is coming from. And to be honest, anyone or anything can pop in and give me advice. Even things which perhaps don’t have my best interest at heart. Typically when things come into my energetic space, I trust them. But ultimately… I don’t truly know.
I do discern that there are some “truths” which I feel so deeply, that there is no question. I believe that’s how you know it’s true intuition. But perhaps, there can be other signs.
A few years ago I was leaving my apartment when I closed the door. I was headed to work. I immediately was overcome with a panic attack. While this wasn’t entirely strange, as anxiety and panic were strong signs fo spirit interaction, which I was already familiar with, the timing was so odd. Why would I feel this right as aI close the door? It was clear to me that I had left something behind.
Reluctantly, I went back inside and walked around. Something felt dangerous or of immediate attention. It actually took quite a while, until I landed in the kitchen. There was no real reason for me to observe if any appliance was still running, because I hadn’t made breakfast.
As I looked at the stove, I realize that one of my burners had turned on. But not because I was cooking. I had reached over to grab a bag, and somehow I accidentally turned the knob with it. I was shocked. It was not only a bizarre incident itself, but coupled with my incredibly random anxiety attack, this was clearly a message. Someone or some thing was looking out for me.
I have to say this is one fo the most obvious and rememberable moments regarding my intuition. But the truth is, I’m not sure how many times intuition has intervened in my life. When I say “no” to something, I have no idea what that particular event or timeline would be like, or unfold to be. I just have faith that it was the right decision.
I had expressed that in practically every crime documentary, there’s always a time when the bystander says, “I felt like something was wrong”. I use this as an example, not to create more fear in people, but to show that your gut instinct is typically correct.
I think that often times through conditioning and societal pressure (or peer pressure), we tend to ignore or reject these feelings. My other argument against this case is that sometimes, you may ultimately be the only person affected by the particular energy happening at that point and place in time. Therefore, you may be the only one observing it. Nevertheless, I wonder how many things could be “stopped” if we all tapped in and accessed our intuition a bit more.
On a kind of separate side rant, I do feel that the patriarchy limits intuition as a way to not only control women, but to blindside us from the “truth”. If we are made to think that what we feel isn’t true, we can ultimately be controlled. People can quite literally get away with anything by diminishing their words and actions. Yet, the truth still remains. Sometimes the truth comes out when it’s ultimately too late.
This isn’t to say that nothing bad will happen if we don’t listen to our intuition, as that’s not true. And it’s not to say that something bad happened to you because you weren’t. But I am saying, if you ever reflected back on a situation where you knew something was up, that is a very specific example where your intuition was coming into play, and you had a choice as to whether or not to listen to it.