106. Why Don’t All Mediums Solve Crime?


So to start, there are certainly many mediums who help others solve crime, particularly the police force, and loved ones of those who have passed from tragic or violent circumstances, particularly at the hands of others. There has been recorded proof and evidence of these helpings or findings, which brings into light medium’s abilities, but also the considerations of ethics regarding mediums and solving crime. Personally, I tend to attract a lot of people who have passed from unjust circumstances. I feel that it’s partially because I have a justice “arc”, or in other words, I have a justice theme which just so happens to run through my incarnation in this lifetime (likely from an abundance of similar passed lives or experiences), but it could also just be that for some reason, I energetically align with certain people or certain circumstances and instances. Some mediums may not feel particularly attracted to working with these people, and as a result, they may be less inclined to help solve crime overall. I don’t personally help solve crime. While this may certainly change in the future, it’s not something that I feel particularly strongly about. So here’s why:

The most interesting conversation point regarding aspect of this entire topic is our feelings regarding crime vs. those on the other side. If we think about our earthly existence, it’s simply a blip on the radar of eternity. So while life on earth is certainly important, as we choose to do it (yet we are able to individually pick out its importance, or in other words, it can be less or more important for some people), relative to our entire “existence” as a whole, it’s virtually meaningless? I’ll leave that up to you to decide. But as a result, our perception values may find that solving a crime is the most important thing we do in this lifetime, and passed people may feel very differently. From experience, passed people are typically more concerned with their loved ones dealing with their grief, than solving their crime. Typically if they are interested in doing so, it’s simply to bring their loved ones at peace rather than punish people who were negatively involved.

So just to add onto this point, even if hypothetically there is emphasis on a resolve from a person who has passed, there are still several other issues to consider. One, it may not be their karmic destiny to resolve it on the other side. Sometimes learning lessons can be tied up with being at peace despite circumstances. Sometimes karma has a mind of its own, and the person responsible will ultimately see their opposite side of this concept or theme in another lifetime, or at another time. I can say that typically when people come to me, they really just want to share their story, so that they can heal. It’s more about their healing journey which is incredibly precious and true, as it really has affected them the most. And again, our earthly understanding of justice often times does more to inflict pain upon the situation (pending the circumstance) than other scenarios. It can be really tricky to have a silo’d point of view of what is “justice” when we really don’t have nay idea of all o the other energetic plays at work. Of course, there are certainly instances where someone is at large, but considering the vast amount of crime, it can be really hard to tell. At what point do we “play god” vs. ensuring that someone is no longer a danger to themselves or others.

It’s really up to each and every passed person to determine what their healing journey is. What information they would like to share. And although universal energy is accessible (or universal truth), it doesn’t always precisely correspond with physical events. There are so many different elements and aspects. You can be looking through someone’s skewed perception value, or you can be accessing something in a different dimension or at a different point and place in time. While theoretically all “truth” is recorded, you are still ultimately a human being accessing it, meaning there is opportunity for skewed results.

While I understand that those are in grief are desperate for answers, it’s important to take yourself out of the situation. Just because us in the physical world have deemed something “right” and as a requirement, doesn’t always mean it is. Every situation is incredibly different, and it’s really up to each and every passed person to make that call. And it’s also important that we respect their own healing, grief and process.


107. Do Thoughts & Prayers Technically Work?


105. Energetic Consent & Predicting The Future