107. Do Thoughts & Prayers Technically Work?


Over the past few years, it’s practically impossible to run into a news article or simply even a twitter thread speaking to “thoughts and prayers”. Although I haven’t seen it come up recently, I’m positive that most of us are familiar with the term. Typically it’s used when there’s been some type of major or national tragedy. Often times politicians will offer their “thoughts and prayers” but refuse to be decisive on action. This is typically upsetting for most of the collective, as they feel it’s their job and duty to put forward actual, physical work, processes and legislation.

I definitely stand with this sentiment, however rather than take a political stance, I’m more interested in the energetic significance of thoughts and prayers. There’s definitely part of my mind which makes me think it’s completely useless, but how could it be? If a thought and a prayer is a message out to the universe, is it not incredibly profound? But does it depend on the particular person, their authenticity and the energy behind the message? Or perhaps there’s not enough energy in general to make spiritual change. Perhaps some things would have greater impact in a physical capacity, rather than a mental or emotional one.

Through law of attraction, we know that our intentions have meaning. While everything that we think about does not “come true” in a physical reality, as a matter of fact, it’s less likely in my opinion, our energetic vibration as a whole certainly sends out a “signal” to the universe. This then in turn typically manifests these desires and either brings them back to us, or sends them wherever they are intended to go. However, the quality of these “thoughts and prayers” may be debated. We can certainly have loveless thoughts. And I feel that a one time thought and prayer has limited mobility with the universe. it needs to be perpetual, constant and of great strength. 

Hypothetically, if the entirety of the world put forth love, strength and duration regarding a particular event or even a concept or theme, we may actually make significant progress. But consider that this authenticity is only valid if we have been able to overcome our fears related to said event, concept or theme. Otherwise we don’t truly resonate. That’s what I feel is the difference. Resonation. Anyone can say anything, but as we know from experience, not all is “real”.

While I do believe that intention and law of attraction is real, and that sometimes it can be even more real, it does'n’t typically yield fast or immediate results. I think this is part of why people get frustrated with this dissonance. On top of several other likely frustrations, as well.

I think in a hypothetical world if we were able to yield and produce/execute this power more responsibly, we may actually get somewhere. But in the meantime, we’re likely a bit too fractaled and segmented for it to truly work. On one hand, I really encourage everyone to use “thought and prayer”, or as I like to call it, intention setting, to achieve the results they want for themselves, and others. But it’s often times a long, committed process.

If you want to take “thoughts and prayers” into your own hands, consider what you truly want to happen. Do you want those affected by the tragedy to heal? To find success and abundance? Do you want to look toward the future to ensure that something like this doesn’t happen again, so that you help aid and assist with others who are dealing with the same trauma and issues? Or how about to change the minds/perception values of those who aren’t dealing with the issue head on? Those who are responsible to do so? Take thoughts and prayers into your own hands, and think and pray that those who need to help, can and do.

I think when we align more closely to spirituality and the abilities of law of attraction, as well as understand that not everything may be as “easy” to execute, as it may appear. And by that I mean, sometimes issues are more complicated than we may think. Even if a law gets passed, per se, if the energy isn’t “rooted” in the collective, or if not enough people are able to accept this new energetic wavelength, it’s likely that it may regress, and the hostility surrounding it may bubble up to create something even worse.

I think the answer is to meet people half way. Thoughts and prayers can work, with modifications. And we should be prepared for time in between this to happen to see a visible result. But we of course need to look into actionable steps, as well. Doing is of course, doing, and there’s no replacement in a physical world.


108. Obsession With Appearance Stems From Spiritual Dissonance


106. Why Don’t All Mediums Solve Crime?