109. The Unexpected Advantage Of Walking Or Running Through Your Neighborhood


So this is a pretty straightforward and concise message, but it’s an epiphany which I had recently while I was walking around my neighborhood. Also, please keep in mind that of course safety is your top priority so consider how effective or not the rest of this passage is. However, I feel that fundamentally and conceptually it’s quite important. You can also theoretically take this into account for any area or neighborhood that you’re in, not just the one you live in.

It’s pretty straightforward to say that walking around your neighborhood or a neighborhood familiarizes yourself with everything. But it also does so energetically. So what does this mean? Not only are you able to see and experience things, but you’re able to “feel” them, as well. Giving you more energetic information, as well as a stronger energetic connection. Is this a good thing? Definitely. Unless you are proactively rejecting your environment, in which case the dissonance or frustration and comfort may become stronger, as it’s more in your face, and can be more energetically overwhelming.

As you go about your town, you’re interacting with different people, places and things. This is a good home or host for an equal energetic exchange, so long as again, you are receptive. Receptivity is super important for your place of residence as although in some cases it can make you vulnerable, it also allows for the energy of community, as well as safety. Consider it like this. When you “know” much about your neighborhood, you are ultimately safer, right? Consider the same energetically.

On top of that, you sort of energetically “mark your territory”. Now I know this sounds weird, but it’s true. Every place that we are and everything that we touch shares our energy. So when we “mark” these areas, it holds a little bit of us. Again, it only enhances this energetic exchange through co-creation and familiarity.

I find that getting to know your surroundings is incredibly valuable for so many reasons. Consider areas unknown or unexplored. You may just be missing out on the benefits in more ways than one.


110. What Does It Mean To Be A Good Spiritual Person


108. Obsession With Appearance Stems From Spiritual Dissonance