111. Heal Yourself With Love & Intention


Now, I understand that this particular post may be a bit more advanced in terms of putting into practice, but I find that the concept is super important.

Love and intention may ultimately heal all. To be honest, it’s really our only weapon against what isn’t right or is “bad” for us. Now you may be thinking… there are certainly other “solves” besides love and intention. While it’s true, this is something that we have true control over, which helps to see results. Perhaps even if simply only love and intention doesn’t “cure” you, it may guide you to the right source or resource to finally get it taken care of. It’s happened to me several times.

So what is the process of healing with love and intention? To be honest, I find that it’s different for each and every person. But here’s what I do.

While you can do this with mental and emotional “issues”, I primarily only do it with physical ones, since they are most uncomfortable at any given moment. 

I essentially allow my body to be at rest, laying down is great. And I go to where the source of pain is. I essentially allow this area to “talk” to me. Now, anyone can do this, as anyone and everyone is aligned to their bodies and intuition. It may not be perfect right away, and it may need practice, but I assure you that we all have the capability.

Even if your parts don’t necessarily “talk” to you, you may find that you suddenly start to get impressions. Perhaps you get general “feelings”. You could even get visions, or ideas. In an ideal scenario, you may get impulses of things you need to do to resolve this pain. Take into account anything and everything you’re experiencing, even if it’s just a color.

Next, I like to put my hand on top of the area, or near it. Wherever feels right. I essentially “imagine” the purest possible love for this area, including gratitude for what it’s currently doing to serve me. I am not mad at it, and I don’t take it for granted. I feel extreme hope and optimism for the future. You can start to tell when this feeling feels authentic and starts to wash over you. Consider how this particular area suddenly feels. Typically for me, I notice a pain decrease right away.

This is a pretty similar concept and theme to Reiki. Essentially you are “injecting” positive energy into the area in order to help it heal. And you can picture this however you want. Perhaps it’s a love “needle” which is going through your skin metaphorically. I don’t feel that you even necessarily need to touch the area to receive an effect.

After I’ve gathered information and put myself at a high vibration, then I start doing things which I feel I need. Although I am intuitive and this is quite easy for me, there are pretty general “things” you can do in order to help the area. Typically for most of my areas, I know that it helps to picture waves of color going into it. Particularly blue, green and purple. See what makes sense for you. You’ll want to ensure that you’re simply just stating this intention and visualizing this color moving into your body and affecting the area. Know that although it’s in your “imagination” the intention is still real and valid.

This concept and the action of doing so can feel quite foreign. But for me personally, I’ve felt real results. Now this may not be the “answer” to all of your problems, but there’s no reason that it should hurt.

In tandem, I often times do manifestation rituals in the mirror where I look myself in the eye and speak healing to exist. And you can do the same to the area, as well. As odd as it sounds, sometimes personifying pain in an area can actually help. It feels more tangible, and as a result,  you may “feel” you know what to do with it. The idea is to really connect with this problem are and pain. No shame in talking to it! 

Everyone’s journey is unique, but certainly don’t sleep on this idea. After all, it can’t hurt! I will warn that at times, healing can escalate itself, which means that you may need to address it in physical ways quicker than you may have imagined. But so long as you set the intention for healing and a resolve, you can’t lose.


112. Skin Conditions & Your Environment


110. What Does It Mean To Be A Good Spiritual Person