112. Skin Conditions & Your Environment


So here’s the thing. It’s no surprise that I speak on behalf of physical issues and ailments, as I truly believe that everything is holistic, one and cohesive. I believe that physical issues are simply manifestations of spiritual “issues” or misalignments. Or really any nuance of the sort. But there’s something not totally clicking.

While I don’t believe we are at “fault” for our physical issues, I do feel that we may unintentionally perpetuate them. On top of that, sometimes we subconsciously “sign up” for these problems in order to learn lessons. It can often times be quite tricky to understand why we are cycling through different issues, concepts and themes.

On top of that, energetic and physical issues can be quite complex. Personally, I believe if there’s an “issue”, there’s likely more than one aspect or element at play. To me, it feels like there’s more than one “thing” interacting negatively which sort of creates a whirlwind of negativity, which ends up resting in our bodies until we transmute it out. Whether that be physically, mentally or emotionally. But the important thing to note is that we are not intended to suffer in this lifetime. We are intended to navigate pain to some degree, but ultimately transmute out of it.

Although as I mentioned, certain issues are a little bit more complex, and can bring in more than one “idea”, one of the more easier issues to spot are skin issues and skin conditions.

On one hand, often times skin issues lay on top of a part of the body which correlate to a spiritual meaning, or in other words, a chakra. Our legs are closest to the earth, meaning issues closer to the ground are more “physical” in nature, and opposite for our hands and arms. These typically have more spiritual meaning. And ten left and right sides of the bodies also correlate to these as well. Left being divine feminine/spiritual, and right being divine masculine/physical.

But let’s look further. What is the concept of our skin overall? It’s our largest organ, and more importantly, it’s a boundary. It’s what’s keeping “us” intact, as well as our boundary with ourselves to our setting.

More often than not, I see that people who have skin issues have a misalignment with their environment. In other words, they aren’t in the “place” they’re meant to be.

Personally, I developed severe eczema when I lived in New York. I felt that it was my time to go. Despite telling me I was hallucinating, when I moved to California it ceased to exist. No one believed me, as it was an internal issue. But what if it’s not? What if it’s actually external, and being processed internally? What if we simply just dig deeper into the concept.

From a physical perspective, it makes sense. There’s a reason some people have allergies, and some don’t. Some people are sensitive to certain areas for no explained reason. How can this possibly be a coincidence?

We may be doing everything that we can to rectify our situation, but we’re just in the wrong place. I find that geo-location energy takes up about 30% of our overall energetic state. Meaning we are incredibly influenced by our surroundings. This can also include our home environment, as well. Not just the city or state we live in.

Despite this being about an “answer”, I feel like this is more broad and conceptual, and I hope that everyone becomes super aware of their environment and how it affects them, as it’s not just skin, it’s more ways than one. We draw energy from the earth, and in order to gain insight and motivation, it must be relatively in alignment with us. Although there’s something to be said about gaining new energy from different places, which I believe is true, where we spend the most time is theoretically most important. Consider your surroundings and what you have the ability to change. Although we don’t all have the opportunity to move, what can you “move around” to make more conducive for you? To make yourself feel better overall? Maybe it’s new decor, or simply shifting things around (like furniture) to give yourself better energetic flow. Know that although you may feel out of control, you have more control than you think. Simply taking small steps can make a big difference. Maximize energetic efficiency for yourself, as you are truly the one living there. Don’t allow the opinion of others or any pre-conceived notions block your intuitive judgment and what’s best for you.


113. The Intersection Of Science & Spirituality


111. Heal Yourself With Love & Intention