118. Is Anything Technically Right Or Wrong In Spirituality?


One of my favorite philosophical discussions. What is right and wrong. In ethics, this is a popular topic. I distinctly remember the example of a man who stole bread to feed his family. Who is ethically, morally, or just… right? Right and wrong is not only subjective in these means, but it can be with lots of other things as well.

At the end of the day, it all comes down to perception value. It’s clear that if you ask one person what’s right or wrong, they will differ from someone else. I would like to say that as a collective we have “general” rights and wrongs. We generally feel that it’s wrong to lie, steal, kill, cheat, etc. Yet I’m sure in some ways, we’ve flirted with these boundaries. After all, what ethically makes killing a human worse than killing a fly? I’m sure there’s an answer, but I certainly don’t have it.

Let’s look bigger picture. Does the other side have a reference of what’s right or wrong? It’s hard to say. Let’s say that every single person is attached to an energetic “family”. It’s likely that in some ways, it’s tied to their biological family, their nuclear family, perhaps even their friends or work family. As a part of all of these “areas” you are likely asked to uphold a standard of morals. In some ways, it’s possible that they may all contradict each other. Consider you have a fight with family and stay with friends. Or you don’t want to see your friends, so you hang out with family. Sort of breaking the barriers to all these things, no? I want to narrow into biological family, in particular. Through our energetic DNA, we carry through certain concepts and themes. In some ways, i’s our duty to follow through with them whether they be negative or positive. It’s our karma so to speak. And I find that karma ultimately has people do things they may not normally do, to resolve it. Or perhaps we are just inundated with negative energy which we don’t know how to release, or are “supposed” to go through, and therefore end up acting out in negative ways. Is this technically wrong, if we’re “supposed” to do it? What if by acting our negatively, we’re actually able to transmute this energy? Are we intentionally coming on to earth to go through pain and learning lessons. If so, then from the highest level perspective, we are “right” to sin. What if our mistakes help grow the collective stronger. In many ways, they do. There are some people whoa re unintentional “martyrs” for the cause, doing bad things or embarrassing themselves. Perhaps even hurting others, in order to serve as a learning lesson. if someone never did someone bad, would others have any idea that it wasn’t bad? Maybe, or maybe not.

Pushing this even further, the most interesting aspect of this entire conversation is the concept of fractals and duality. We are of course fractaled in this lifetime. Which means that we aren’t united with all of our different parts which make us “whole”. When we move higher up the ascension ladder, we lose all of these fractals, and we lose duality. In other words, we lose the concept of right and wrong because theoretically there can only be “one” or “wholeness”. Have we intentionally created right and wrong. And why? If this is our own doing and our own making, it must ultimately be for a positive purpose. And again, let’s circle back to the blurriness of what is right and wrong.

I think that as a society, we may be slightly uncomfortable with questioning right and wrong. Unless we feel that our freedom is at stake, we’re usually more than happy to go along with what we feel keeps us “safe”. As an example, the car seatbelt law. And I know that it’s likely seen as practically illegal, or simply anarchist to go against what is right and wrong. It can be hard to change public opinion over time. However I do feel strongly that our perception as a society of right and wrong changes, and that’s okay. It’s likely that some things may remain the same, but others may change. Having a good grasp of what you feel is right and wrong is a great place to start. It’s important that we align to the collective in regards to this. And work to change others minds’ when it’s something that we feel as a collective, we’re moving toward. I think that there’s always a back and forth, for the right reasons. There’s no need to change something so drastically or quickly, unless it’s of the upmost importance. Ensure that as a member of the collective, your voice is heard and that you move forward with alignment, intuition, education and discernment. These will be incredibly important as you move forward deciphering “right and wrong”. Be gentle with others, if they don’t share your same beliefs. It’s likely that they differ for a reason. Consider if your ideals are self-fulfilling or self-motivated. Sometimes this can make all the difference. Are you fighting only for yourself, or on behalf of the collective, or others similar to you? Your motivation can be important.

Be open minded to changing. Know that it’s a fact of life, and the trajectory of our universe. It’s okay that as a collective we slip up, for the sake of progress. This is where I find collective intuition to come in handy the most. Ensuring that we are aware of the needs of the collective in order to make the decisions which are best for the majority of us. While it may seem unfair or incredibly biased, I do feel that ultimately sacrifices may need to be made. The suffering of some in the short-term, may ultimately be a price to pay for the suffering of all in the long run. Just food for thought.


119. The Significance Of Horses


117. Cats, Dogs & Divine Energies