119. The Significance Of Horses


While I have to say, it’s been a moment since I’ve done a reading where horses have come up, I can’t deny their presence, particularly with spirit guide readings or past life regression readings. This sort of came to life when I realized that “horse girls” existed. If you’re not familiar with horse girls (which to be honest, I’m not entirely), essentially they are girls who are low key/high key obsessed with horses. Typically they not only ride horses, but they also integrate them into other areas/aspects of their life. Figurines, posters, movies, TV shows, etc. They have such a strong spiritual affinity for horses. While I was corrected that “wolf girls” do exist, I reckon that there’s not many other animals that take this strong of a hold on us. So why horses, in particular?

The easiest answer is that horses were not only pervasive throughout time in different societies and cultures, but they played a key role in being close to humans. Whether it was for more practical means, such as transportation, or simply being available when and where we need them, we had a strong physical and emotional/spiritual connection with them. After all, we have rode horses for decades, therefore bridging a strong physical gap. We rely on horses for our safety.

I do also feel that horses are fairly intelligent animals, making them likely more capable of fostering a bond with humans than perhaps other animals. This energetic connection is pervasive throughout time. Although horses are often times symbols of being “free” ‘with their hair blowing through the wind, they are also strong protectors as well. We retain these spiritual connections, despite not having a strong desire to be with them in this current lifetime.

While I consider myself to have many lives, and I’m sure sharing several close bonds with horses, I don’t have an affinity for them in this lifetime. So if we all share horse connections, or did, why are only some people so drawn to them?

I think it can be several reasons. Perhaps this was a particularly recent past or future life, or we are even living a concurrent life in a different dimension attached to horses. Perhaps in some ways, we are required to have a learning lesson with horses, and therefore we are attracted to them. Horses may make some feel safe, if they have spirit guides who are horses in this lifetime. It can bring a sense of comfort and safety, or really any energetic emotions and feelings from other lives, which perhaps we are missing or yearning for in this life. I would say primarily they serve as connection as well as learning lessons. While I find that many different physical manifestations can satisfy learnings, sometimes our karma can be quite specific. Perhaps we did not treat a horse well in a past life, and we’ve come back to rectify this wrong.

I like this topic because it brings into larger questions about animal spirit guides (which are quite pervasive) as well as the characteristics of different animals. Consider which animals you’re attracted to and why. It may share some insight into your subconscious which needs to be brought to your conscious self :) If you’re struggling with knowing what animals you’re attracted to, just ask for signs. Sometimes they can pop up or “visit” us unexpectedly. You can also backtrack based on animals you don’t like. Know that although some people find animals quite useless, they share very strong energetic connections with the world around us and do share an important purpose. It’s in our best interest to not only respect them, but learn from them. They are valuable parts of our ecosystem, after all.


120. What Are Soulmates & Contracts?


118. Is Anything Technically Right Or Wrong In Spirituality?