120. What Are Soulmates & Contracts?
Soulmates and soul contracts are some of my favorite topics. And I want to clarify, soulmates are not only those whom are romantic, and we certainly don’t have just one. I feel that soulmates are one fo the most brilliant parts of life because they are what I like to call “pre-destined”, when so many things aren’t. While we have free will in this lifetime, before we incarnate, we decide upon these things called “soul contracts”.
While soul contracts are primarily between person and person, so long as there’s a “consciousness” at play (AKA pets), I reckon you could really have one with anything. While these contracts aren’t necessarily legal, binding contracts, they sort of act like one. Typically you and another person, as well as some sort of “officiant” signs off on a soul contract. This is essentially an outline of where/how the two of you will meet in this upcoming lifetime, and the undercurrent is what both of your learning lessons are. I actually find that soul contracts are quite illuminating. If you end up sticking around someone for a bit too long, it’s likely that you’re part of a contract. Understanding the purpose can not only shine some light onto the situation, but allow you to see things from a different perspective. I find that this knowing often helps you let someone go, when they need to be. So do all soul contracts pan out? Yes and no. The ones which “remain”, remain. And those which go unused are ultimately void. Since we have multiple paths that we can take in this lifetime, we need lots of different options. Say you decided to move to a new area. It’s likely that you have different contracts with different people, vs. if you stayed in your current area. I would say that moving to new locations is one of the most “disruptive” things you can do for a contract. I find this is often times why people are hesitant to move. They need to “start over” in more ways than one. Tapping into unused contracts isn’t really something that I’ve been able to do, and I wonder if it’s because the “knowing” may be disruptive to us. But I’m not sure. So to sum up, you can pretty much have a contract with anyone, anywhere. Although these are typically things which are done before you incarnate, I don’t see why you can’t co-create new ones through your higher self and subconscious while you’re here. I’m sure it’s possible. I find that it likely needs to be, as you continue to manifest and co-create with the world. There needs to be additions on a rolling basis. Sort of like how there needs to be in the constitution, etc. Amendments, so to speak.
So what are soulmates? Soulmates to me, are essentially the people (or pets) who are a part of these soul contracts. I find that these philosophies go hand in hand. The contract is essentially what it is. And the soulmate is who it is. While there’s not a lot to “know” per se regarding soulmates, it is important to note that not all of them are romantic, again. They can be parents, siblings, friends, etc. It’s really just whoever you intended to have a spiritual connection with in this lifetime. And I don’t necessarily feel that soulmates have to be attached to a specific contract. Perhaps it’s just a “soul” feeling. One that you’ve shared with others in past lives. But for the sake of this post, I do feel they are strongly correlated and connected.
So we talked about what happens when you don’t meet said person for any given reason (it dissolves and a new one is created). But what happens if you don’t quite learn your lesson? Well, typically this is when a more “drawn out” situation occurs. It’s challenging to consider a circumstance where perhaps the contract isn’t resolved in some kind of a way. Typically an explosive “event” happens which ultimately resolves the contract despite both parties choosing to move against the intended energetic trajectory of the contract. Now, some may say… well the contract can just simply end. While it’s true, I feel that both parties can sort of “reject” or prematurely finish the contract, I find this to be incredibly unlikely Not only will both parties/ higher self and subconscious need to sign off on this, but there’s an ultimate wasted amount of energy. I find what more likely happens, is both parties escalate the contract to finishing or ending. If for whatever reason, for example, a person moves, a similar contract may be pursued by another person in a different place, with a similar learning lesson. It’s sort of in line with the concept or idea that as we move, our problems move with us. This is because we left “unfinished business”. This is why I always recommend it’s best to tie up loose ends. Not that you need to “solve” every single one of your problems, but I highly recommend being at peace with people in your life before you make a big move.
While I of course don’t recommend obsessing over soulmates and contracts, I find that the knowledge benefit often times outweighs the ignorance cost. See if you can uncover how you feel about your current relationships. What do you feel is the overarching lesson, or concept and theme? Consider things you value about this person, as well as your differences. What sticks out to you? It’s likely what’s at the top of your mind may be the truth.