121. Spiritual Messages Through Music


Interestingly enough, one of my first clairs that came through was clairaudience. I practically never notice this skill now, but it came through full force pretty often. Still to this day, I do “hear” things not here, but it’s primarily in the form of songs. Often times spirits like to use popular songs, or simply songs that the channeler knows, so that they can deliver a message.

So what’s the point of using a song? Why not just say a word? Songs are multi-layered. Often times they use metaphors which speak to overarching concepts and themes. Typically as humans, we have an emotional connection with certain songs. On top of that, they tell a longer winded story. Something which a spirit may not have a whole lot of time to explain. It’s a fast way to get the point across.

But you certainly don’t need to be a channeler to hear messages through music. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard people talk about songs coming on when they’re out, or on the radio. Or just spurring a memory of a passed loved one, in particular. Since music is so pervasive, and we’re typically familiar with our loved ones’ sense of music taste, it’s a quick and easy get. Typically when this comes through for those who are not channelers, it’s more about validation.

One of my favorite things to deconstruct is when people get songs stuck in their head. Sometimes it’s a small piece of a lyric, which is a message itself. But if it doesn’t seem that obvious, consider what the song “represents”. This can either be concept or theme wise, or it can simply be how it makes you feel. It’s typically some type of a message regarding what you need to inhabit energy wise moving forward. You can also always ask spirits to send you messages through music, as well!

Remember, although there’s a collective thought regarding songs. And it can be very clear what the artists’ intention was, songs are incredibly personal. Consider how they make you personally feel. This is a great extension for your intuition to bring you closer to yourself, or help guide you moving forward into the future.


122. Objects & Energy


120. What Are Soulmates & Contracts?