122. Objects & Energy


While items and objects in our daily life lack consciousness and therefore don’t have any “inherent” energy, since they’re still objects of matter, they can still carry it. In fact, anything can theoretically “carry” energy, as it’s all around us. But since objects in particular are dense, and often times untouched, they can sometimes carry the energy of those who made it, or those who use it. This energy overall is greater if there’s a stronger emotional connection or attachment to a particular item. For example, if an item is used often by you.

Some who are good at psychometry, or in other words, reading objects, can tune into this more precisely. Although I’m personally quite bad at it, it is a more “physical” connection to the other side, therefore and theoretically making it stronger.

It’s sort of a fascinating concept. How and why are we releasing energy onto things? And how is it ours? Wouldn’t that mean we “lose” energy? Perhaps these energetic resonances are simply an extension of ourselves, which are just a feeling or a thought at a moment in time. But it’s kind of interesting to think about.

Anyway, let’s talk about the importance of objects carrying energy. I find this particularly important while we’re in our home. Our mood and our “feelings” and thoughts have weight and value, because they exist, and they can travel. Likewise, they can attach themselves to objects in our home. I find that this can be extremely challenging in regards to moving forward in life with a positive attitude. We may wake up one day and be totally ready to change our life, but as we explore our surroundings, they still carry “the past” or that old, negative and stagnant energy. It’s almost like… you need to be “better” than your settings and environment to make change. And I think that’s just an overarching fact altogether. 

I often times bring up the importance of energy when it comes to second hand items. Of course there are horror stories, where people pick up “haunted” items, but they can also hold positive energy as well. I know that one of my favorite jackets has incredible energy from its past owner. And although perhaps at some point that energy may fade away, as I continue to imprint my own energy on it, it’s been a while, and I can still “feel” his presence. In some ways, items can bring us strength and courage, and provide us with lots of other information and feelings, as well. The general importance is to discern what comes into your home.

I think that in general we tend to look at the negative effects of spirituality, negative, spirits and ghosts. But there’s so much positive that they can bring to our lives. While I think that we need to take the wheel when it comes to imprinting our own energy on objects, there’s always room for new and improved energy, so long as we feel it aligns with us. With that said, consider the objects which are already inside of your home. Have you imprinted positive energy on them? Or what if they haven’t been used in a while? Is it time to let them go, so that they can serve someone else? All good questions for your next spring cleaning :)


123. Are Negative Entities Real?


121. Spiritual Messages Through Music