123. Are Negative Entities Real?


There’s been some debate online as to whether or not there are evil spirits. What’s sort of interesting about this argument is that to a degree, I feel it to be true. I don’t necessarily think I’ve run into any humans who have passed which are “evil”. However entities… are a different story.

Perhaps in some way, humans are more on an “evolved” level. Not to say they can’t de-evolve (maybe), but when they ascend, quite quickly, they are relatively similar to how they are now.

Philosophically, I do feel that negative people in this world are almost… negative for a reason? I know that sounds a bit wonky, but I truly believe that those who commit evil acts, are in some way, channeling the evil of the collective. I don’t feel that one singular person is responsible for all the evil in the world. Likewise, not one singular person is responsible for all the good in the world. We are all one collective, at the end of the day.

Regardless if you want to believe this fact, we can debate whether humans are good or evil. And I think ultimately, it’s up to your perception value. We likely won’t all align on the concept of evil, so is this a moot point? Maybe.

But let’s talk about entities at large. Are there evil entities? Sure are. Should you be afraid of this fact? Absolutely not. Negative entities have existed and will exist for a long time. I think that people are of course uncomfortable with this fact for several reasons. It makes channeling the other side a bit scary and problematic. After all, you certainly won’t want to run into a negative entity. Generally, I don’t run into negative entities, and I am more afraid of the “evil” which persists on earth. This is what you’re much more likely to be confronted with. Yet, we are somehow so afraid of the other side.

While it’s true that I do believe negative “entities” influence us daily, I find that it’s more likely that these are thoughts, feelings or emotions from those who are living, which we have ingrained in ourselves. For example, a person years ago may have told us we were worthless. And we hold on to this negative thought as if it’s a part of ourselves. This is why it’s so important to transmute negative energy. 

I guess at this point you’re probably wondering, what is a negative entity? To be honest, I believe it’s any conscious “being” which has impact or influence. This can of course be talking about negative thoughts, feelings or emotions, but there are definitely negative “beings” in general, which are likely from other dimensions or astral realms. And they can absolutely be with us here in the physical world.

It’s kind of an interesting concept in general because we should ladder it back to law of attraction. If the collective is inhabiting much negative energy, does this mean we are as a whole attracting it, and therefore attracting negative entities? Most likely. I admit that the lower that you are vibrationally, the harder it is to get to the top. But not if you truly, intrinsically believe in hope, and that you are of course the problem, but the answer to your solution.

So how do they become negative entities? It’s a good question, and I’m not entirely sure I have the answer to it. Theoretically, one would have to be so fractaled and incur such negative energy, that they spontaneously create it. Sort of like… you are what your vibration is. To some degree, I feel there is deep, spiritual intention to negativity. But it’s hard to see how this plays out entirely in a larger picture. I’m not sure us as humans may ever truly know.

I know that many people are intimidated by the concept of negative entities. But truly, they’re not quite different from anything negative or evil in the physical world. While the concept can certainly be intimidating, it’s not really anything new. The concept is that unknown forces can scare us or effect us. But that’s already true in the physical world. This isn’t really anything different. If we can just work under the assumption that the other side is an extension of our physical world, there’s nothing to fear. While there are grander and greater problems just due to the size of infinity, of course. At the end of the day, we are in control of our own selves and completely lucid. Even though you may not be a channeler, trust that your feelings are real. Your success is real. And if your life is going the right way, you have control over yourself and therefore outside “forces”. And even if you don’t, there’s absolutely time and opportunity to turn it around. While it may seem based on this post that things are against you, they’re really not. Most things are in your favor.

I think that there’s a delicate balance in fear mongering while still educating the collective. And I still believe at the end of the day, “evil” is up to each and every person to decipher. If you feel it’s in your best interest to negate that evil forces are working against you, by all means. But I would strongly recommend not silo’ing yourself from the collective. Negative entities serve a purpose. They help us learn, and make us stronger. Even when things are bad, they can still be good… in some way… shape or form.


124. How To Align To Your Life Purpose


122. Objects & Energy