142. How To Dismantle A Life
We can fundamentally understand what it would take to dismantle someone physically. You would essentially need to remove their vital organs. But for the most part, a person can live with many things missing which humans traditionally have. Sight, hearing, limbs, even organs they were born with.
Every physical part of us has spiritual significance. While some organs are a bit more loose and abstract, let’s take the heart for example. Spiritually, the heart represents flow of love in and out. Passion and motivation for self, and one’s surroundings. In essence, our will and wanting to live. If we lost all connection between our higher self and others, we would cease to exist. Or at least, have a will to exist. This would be considered vital. But are there things in our life which we perceive to be vital, and aren’t? And what happens when we take them away?
If you think about it, strangely enough, there’s essentially nothing that we “need” in this lifetime which is physical, or tangible. Even the closest things and people in our life can be gone in a flash. We will still, continue to go on.
I believe that we have many safety nets, security blankets, and other things which we hold onto. We typically consider these to be nostalgic pieces of memorabilia, but it’s likely that it goes even further than that. Your security blanket may be a place, a person, or even a job. What would you do, and how would you feel, if they were missing?
Let’s go even further. What is a mental or emotional “thing” which is a safety net? Is it your identity? Your perception value of the world? Maybe it’s your community service or political party. What if it’s simply a strongly held belief? Something you instilled in yourself, but more likely, something that someone has instilled in you. I would reckon that in order to make true change, a combination of both mental/emotional as well as physical factors need to take place.
Pinpoint several areas of your life which you hold onto with such conviction and belief.
When my intuition opened up, every aspect of my mental state and emotions was changed. My perception of reality, my purpose, my ‘truth”, my religion, so to speak. How would you feel if you learned the truth? Your truth? Would you be able to handle it?
As a result, I started to fixate more on physical things. When physical things changed in my life, it became overwhelming to process. Physical things were my only safety and security blanket. Yet, we cannot hold onto these things for so long, as they ultimately either become old, negative or stagnant. It’s important to continue to “recycle” anything and everything, physical or not.
To dismantle a life, you must take away whatever this person “needs”. Or whatever you need. But, the title of this post is misleading. Dismantling sounds bad, but it typically isn’t. If you’re not ready for this “procedure”, it can cause more harm than good, a lot of chaos, and an uprooting in someone’s life. But what if that’s what you need?
We hear many stories about someone hitting rock bottom. Life, ultimately dismantles these aspects for us. It’s a curse, but a '“gift” from the universe. Would we ever have the power and audacity to dismantle these things ourselves? Do we need to feel this pressure from our environment, and the universe? And what happens when they are gone? Do we scramble to find the next best thing? Do we fold under the pressure? Maybe we emphasize other aspects of our life to make up for it, like a pair of crutches.
If we think about dismantling aspects of our life conceptually, it certainly breaks loops, or otherwise false realities which we’ve created for ourselves. But we start to “let go” with the hope and faith that new, positive energy comes back to us. And sometimes letting go is the only way we can receive more abundance and love. We are ultimately much more receptive overall.
Maybe when we dismantle ourselves, we really just push all of these aspects away from us, but retain them in our orbit. For example, we can do this through a process of reprioritization. We don’t allow these things to be “close” to us energetically anymore. Have you ever had a hard time letting something go? Perhaps you have held on tightly to it for so long, that their absence would be most missed. But what if you shifted priority to other things? Sort of as a natural byproduct, these things tend to “float away”. By moving these pieces in and out in terms of priority in regards to us, we can help shift things around a bit more and allow for the pieces to nestle more solidified in and out of place. When we exert too much control over these things, we don’t allow them to flow and fluctuate as a result of universal energy. This often times causes a lot of unneeded chaos and tension. Sometimes we need to “let go” to feel better overall.
Try to consider the reason you’re holding on so tightly. What’s the importance? The intention? The point? What is the bigger, overarching theme? Can you help to improve this theme with other things? Things which are ultimately more important? Know that since everything ladders upward, we can shift our physical reality in order to not only make room for new, but reprioritize as well. There are always options for us, at the end of the day.