143. You Won’t Repeat The Same Pain Twice
We talk a lot about patterns happening to us over and over again. We tend to find ourselves in loops, and it’s typically because we haven’t resolved the energy which it’s attracting. Or we haven’t quite learned our “lesson” yet. Often times we’re incarnated with some central concepts and themes which are overarching. These scenarios take place in a physical or mental/emotional form and typically “plague” us until we’ve totally resolved the lesson. This can be particularly challenging because we are really only a small part of our higher self, so we’re not just working with the energies that we’re feeling or seeing at the moment. Sometimes we need to take leaps and bounds, or risks in order to make change in our daily lives, and for the better of our long term trajectory. This ladders back to our intuition, overall.
So we may feel that we continue to repeat different events in our life, but the truth is, there’s no way we can repeat the precise same energy over and over again. There would be no point, number one, and there’s never going to be the exact same energetic circumstances to repeat it precisely. Say for example you sneezed right now. Even if you sneeze a second later, it would be a different sneeze. It’s still a sneeze, but it’s different. And what’s important is the perception value surrounding that sneeze is different. So if you sneeze once, maybe it’s just a sneeze. But if you sneeze twice, you are startled, or maybe you start to worry. So while physical situations may remain slightly the same, our perception value is constantly changing, and the environment and settings and its energy, is also constantly changing. Nothing can ever be exactly the same. We are always moving forward because we have consciousness. IN other words, there are energies to “change” our physical reality constantly.
I find this to generally be a sense of relief. We will never experience the same thing precisely twice, and therefore we can leave our unfortunate or negative memories in the past. But what happens when you continue to repeat them in slightly different ways?
If you experience a negative event or circumstance, this is a sign, or a warning, or simply an “explosion” of energy which is trying to make itself seen, known, heard, or a point in general. And it’s really important that we do not feel that it was on “accident”, as I feel nothing really ever is. This isn’t to say everything is our fault, but nothing ever occurs as an “accident”. There are typically several timelines happening at once in order to push us into a certain situation. In other words, there are a lot of forces at play to have something “happen”. It makes our successes even greater, as there must be an alignment of so many different circumstances and energies to make things happen. And they all ladder back to intention and physical manifestation.
Let’s emphasize needing to repeat the same thing over and over again. It doesn’t need to happen. So long as you remove any of this residual old, negative or stagnant energy, it won’t. I think that we often times get stuck in a loop of negativity expecting that something will happen again. When we do this, we’re really just retaining this negativity in our body, and not allowing it to leave. It becomes so top of mind that we almost “expect” it to happen. I feel that it’s ultimately a self-fulfilling prophecy.
In other words, the line between repeating and not repeating certain situations and events in your life is quite fine. And the “solution” is to transmute old, negative and stagnant energy. If you’re consistently in a bad mood, attracting bad people, or just in bad circumstances. And by the way, when I say “bad”, I just simply mean misaligned with ourselves. There’s really no such thing as “bad” from a high level spiritual perspective.
From an intuitive and even physical/biological standpoint, we are sort of “wired” to keep going, because our energetic body is always moving, even when it’s at rest. It’s this inertia which pushes us to keep going and keep doing more. If we think about it, it’s simply our own disbelief and withholding which sets us back. Our higher self and the universe wants us to succeed. So what has psyched ourselves out of becoming successful or pursuing happiness and pleasure?
Lots of things, but primarily negative energy. Continue to go through life prioritizing transmuting old, negative and stagnant energy. Once you find a good flow, where you’re releasing this daily (through salt baths, meditation, exercising, affirmations, etc.), I find that you’ll escalate your timeline and start moving forward quickly. But sometimes, that can be intimidating. So try to continue to push yourself, but of course, go at your own pace. It’s again, a fine line, but prioritize forward motion over stagnancy.