144. Take Advantage Of Opportunities… Or Else.
So ominous! Well, it’s true.
There are some forces of the universe which still remain a mystery to me. And I think there’s a reason for that. Whether it’s through our energetic projection, or the energies around us, or quite frankly a combination of both, We’re in a very delicate balance.
As we move forward in life, we are radiating a certain type of energy. While it’s theoretically simplistic in nature due to our “source” vibration, or essentially the simplest, yet not simplest vibration that exists (as it encompasses absolutely everything at once, but it’s sort of a “0” on the energetic scale. It simply is… it’s just existence. There’s no fractaling, and there’s no duality. Yet when we are in a fractaled environment, such as our earthly dimension, we have many, many energetic parts. These parts can be our “identity” in our earthly dimension, or it can be our environment, setting, family and friends, pets, etc. But on top of anything physical, it’s our mental state and our emotions. We have grown up being incredibly influenced by outside sources. And to be honest, I feel that it’s half and half. We are very influenced by things and people we don’t personally know, as well as our friends, family and loved ones. It’s sort of a miracle that we exist in this dimension in any sort of alignment to our intuition. It’s a big, scary world out there.
With all of these moving pieces and parts, we acknowledge that we need many different things in order to move forward. We need food, water, shelter, as well as of course our mental and emotional aspects as well. On top of that, we really only exist with the help of others. Whether it’s builders, consultants, creatives, etc. We move forward simultaneously because others are moving forward. And parallel, the earth timeline and nature/animals/elements are also moving forward. I think we get it at this point. We’re all… moving forward, unless we choose to regress ourselves. What’s interesting about regression is that you don’t really need to do much to regress. You really just need to remain stuck and stagnant. Because time and energy is moving forward, as a byproduct, you’ll actually end up unintentionally (or intentionally) going backwards. So, it’s just an important message to keep up with the flow of energy in general.
As we move along our journey with all of these different parts, we sort of bump into, reject, but also simultaneously accept different options. These options and opportunities can come across as love interests, as friendships, job opportunities, etc. Really it could literally be anything. It could be a free sample at Costco. When something is “offered” to you, it’s really up to you to accept it or not. And remember, these things aren’t always physical. They are positive feedback, good thoughts, good vibes, good conversations, mindful practices, etc. So again, they can be a little bit more subliminal. But it doesn’t mean they aren’t just as important. They’re just less “seen” and more felt.
So let’s dive deeper into this process. You are an open person and you go throughout the world taking in energy. The more open and receptive you are, the more likely you will have more opportunities. However, retaining this openness can be challenging. When you are an open channel, anything can really pass through your mind and body. And it’s up to you to release the negative. often times we have some trouble doing that, which is why we ultimately retain this energy. That’s why energy transmission is so important. But sort of a separate conversation. The more open you are, the more things will be attracted to you, because you become this open channel of energy. And therefore, energy throughout the world is looking to evolve and be transmuted, and you’re the perfect conduit. But what happens when you begin to reject energies fro, really any reason whatsoever. The more that you reject a certain type of energy, the less likely you are to continue receiving options and opportunities related to this energetic signature. It’s sort of unknown to me as to how this process works. Perhaps it’s our guides and ancestors who are doing the bringing of opportunities to you. Perhaps you sort of build up this energetic “wall” which makes it easier for you to say no, and your energetic body is simply doing it for you. But all that I know is that the less you take advantage or accept/acknowledge opportunities, the less likely you are to receive them in the future.
Now, it’s incredibly important to have discernment, right? It’s not like you can say yes to everything. But what about the reason you are saying no. Is it out of fear? Some type of pre-conceived notion or fallacy that you will not be able to accept upon it, or deliver it successfully? Perhaps it’s the thoughts, feelings and emotions of others which are clouding your judgment. When you say yes or no to anything, whether it’s new or old, consider the reason why you are. And if it’s out of fear, you may need to readjust your mindset.
This topic isn’t exactly black and white. There’s no “right” answer as to what to take advantage of option/opportunity wise. And I think that it’s always a constant evolvement as we continue to go throughout life. But looking deeper into our decisions can be particularly helpful to maintain “good standing” with the universe, or in other words, show the universe that we can and will take advantage of what comes to us. The last thing you want is to get silo’d into your own hole and stop accepting energies altogether. In other words, be a blocked off stone wall. It’s not helpful for you, or others. Add when you do block yourself off, this is conceptually a swinging door. You really are unable to release any old, negative or stagnant energy as well.
If there’s anything to take away, it’s simply thoughtfulness about opportunities in the future. Don’t pass something up because you’re afraid. Continue to align to your intuition to help guide you. And remember, fi you feel particularly excited about new opportunities, this is a good guide that either it, or the direction as a whole is right for you.