149. Why Being Messy Is Powerful


First I just want to clarify. If you struggle with being messy, and it has negative, direct or indirect effect on your life, this is obviously a problem, and there are definitely reasons as to why this may be the case. However, I want to talk about messy from a conceptual perspective, and why being able to “deal” with mess, or not being afraid of it, is incredibly valuable.

So what is mess, from a high level perspective? Sort of just that. There are some distinctions or markers of “mess”, from my perspective. Mess is typically an over abundance of “things”, whether that be physical, mental or emotional. I think that often times we will admit that things are in the “wrong” place, or simply not an ideal place. Perhaps there are things which we need to get rid of or remove, but we are only holding on to it for the sake of it. I also feel that there’s a bit of a lack of control with mess. We aren’t entirely connecting or “loving” the items and objects that we have. As a result, they tend to have a mind of their own, and serve to work against us.

I want to specifically talk about things which we should remove, but are holding onto for the sake of it. I find that when we do this with physical things, it’s a direct correlation to negative energy which we are holding onto, and do not wish to let go of. And in terms of not organizing or compartmentalizing things, this is also often times a reflection of our mental/emotional state. Perhaps we have just too many things going on in our mind, that we refuse to organize. We may reject them, or just simply don’t know what to do with them. Perhaps we’re putting ourselves in a position where we’re taking on too much information from others. This can be from our close loved ones, or perhaps even the news and social media.

These correlations don’t always necessarily exist. In fact, they can sort of outweigh one another. For example, it may be challenging to process your physical items, so you’re particularly good at processing things mentally/emotionally. Or vice versa. All of these elements/aspects of ourselves work together, and they don’t always follow suit. However, we have much stronger abilities when are are aligned with all of these aspects of ourselves. It’s often times why I recommend challenging ourselves to focus on one area of a concept or theme, if we’re struggling with another. For example, if it’s really challenging for you to get rid of physical items, perhaps focus on what you can remove mentally or emotionally.

So what is mess, really? is it just an over abundance of energy that we’re clinging onto, and avoid to take responsibility of or for? Kind of. I think that it can be different and nuanced for everyone. But the undercurrent is that there’s a stagnancy of energy. We are bringing things into our universe that we can’t or won’t transmute out. We are in fact, not a clear channel, or our physical reality is not a clear channel.

Here’s why “mess” is unintentionally a superpower. We all know the saying clear space, clear mind. But we also know that often times, highly intelligent people have “messy” environments. How could messiness correlate with intelligence? To be honest, I’m not entirely sure. But I do know that items and objects can hold energy. They can serve as inspiration for us, or physical manifestations of concepts and ideas. On top of that, there could just simply be a correlation of a lot going on in someone’s mind mentally/emotionally, which is just playing out in a physical space. So it’s more so a physical “symptom” of that.

When we have messy tendencies, we fundamentally understand the concept of “mess”. We’ve lived it, we’ve breathed it, and more importantly, we can relate to the collective also struggling with mess. In some ways, I would reckon that messy people are more energetically “open” to the universe, because we are more so accumulating lots of different things. In some ays, we are incredibly receptive. The issue is of course, this organization and removal process. But the most important thing is, we’re not “afraid” of mess. Although there are many amazing people whoa re organizers and cleaners, there is often times a hesitation or intimidation regarding mess. There’s at times, no allowance. This can be really hard to relate to others struggling, but also, be less willing to take on the mess of others. Of course not always, but sometimes.

It’s also kind of interesting to consider being “messy” as a personality trait. It’s no surprise that being a “messy” person is often times physically, mentally or emotionally, a bit of an issue, or just generally unattractive. Btu what does it mean? To me, it’s being a little bit of an agent of chaos, and “stirring up” stuff. Does this mean that messy people are agents of evolution? They take something which is pristine, or perhaps, needing to be “reordered” and taking upon this duty themselves? Of course ideally they would tie up those loose ends and finish what they started, but conceptually, being “messy” or at least making a mess is a valuable energetic trait. You’re working through energy, you’re evolving it. You’re essentially, creating something new. Not everything is meant to sustain in its current form, and being messy can change things up a bit, and aid in its evolution. The concept of order and chaos is an interesting one. Are you a person that inhabits both of these identities, or just one or the other? Perhaps it’s wise to be both an agent of chaos, but also an agent of order. I would reckon that you could be an amazing evolve-r of energy that way.

I wonder if in some ways, those who are “messy” are good at breaking things down to their elemental forms. They are ultimately of course, destroyers. But often times, things need to be destroyed. Consider that they may fall under the fire sign element, or at least, conceptually. Some things need to be taken down to be remade again, I suppose.

It’s kind of interesting because order and chaos would theoretically tie into duality, which means that one would need to be masculine, and one would need to be feminine. I would say that feminine would be chaos, and masculine would be order. It’s interesting how our current physical reality almost presents the opposite.

If you struggle with being messy, or the opposite of (perhaps you’re too much of a perfectionist), consider why. What are you afraid of, if you allow something to become a mess? What are you afraid of if you allow it to become organized? There’s likely other elements or aspects of your life which fall under these categories.


150. Ghosts’ Favorite Songs


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