150. Ghosts’ Favorite Songs
Ok, I admit… ghosts don’t have “favorite” songs. Well, maybe they do, and they just haven’t told me.
But here are the types of songs that ghosts love to use to communicate with humans:
Popular songs. This one’s pretty easy. When a song is popular, it’s simply more well-known by the collective. This also means there’s a chance that the recipient is also familiar with it. They may actually receive this particular song as a sign, or it may have other spiritual significance for them.
Songs well known to the channeler. Also an easy one. If the psychic reader is more familiar with the song, they will likely have more energetic connections to it, or they will better understand not only the content and context, but how it’s perceived by the collective. All around more knowledge and information is great.
Layered songs. This can be a few different things, but it’s primarily multiple instruments overlaying each other. While many songs fit into this category, often times more interesting or complex songs fit this bill well, because they’re generally more unique. If you imagine that every beat or every instrument holds its own unique energetic wavelength, which has a particular impression. This could come up in a few different ways, depending on how you channel, but generally it has some type of significance and importance and may generate a feeling. This piled on top of other unique energetic wavelengths creates a story. So the more that instruments and beats build on each other, the more specific, complex and layered the story gets. This can of course be helpful or hurtful, but I generally find it’s more helpful. It’s really about matching it to the message and the person.
Metaphorical songs. Many songs have double meanings, typically outlined in lyrics. There’s a poetic quality which isn’t just observed at face value. For example, a song could say, “this is the color pink” vs. “this is pink”. We generally fundamentally know what the color pink is, but we may all uniquely and subjectively have our own relationship with what pink represents and evokes within us.
Songs which have significant value to the past: While it’s true that “older” songs would theoretically be valued by those who past, this also speaks to newer songs which use techniques which were popular in the past. These all share a strong energetic thread. And this isn’t just about new songs which sample old songs, it’s much deeper than that. There are simply just some melodies or poetic language which are “ageless” and can span decades. As a result, they are just incredibly relatable. So this draws in both sides.
Remember, if you hear a song which you feel is a sign, it likely is. Try to use your intuition to deduce why you’re hearing it, and who it may be from. It could also simply be from your higher self.
I find that when we get songs “stuck in our head”, it’s because there’s a message coming through for us. Perhaps it’s lyrical, or it’s simply just a feeling. I know, I know… I get a lot of jokes of inappropriate lyrics coming through being repeated in our head. But sometimes it’s just about the vibe, you know? How does hearing this make you feel? Does it connect you with something or someone else? All of these clues can be incredibly important.
I find that some of my spirit guides simply have specific songs which are just for them. Tis is why i keep it on my playlist and allow it to pop up spontaneously. Try to seek the undercover value in music, overall. And remember, sometimes it’s not ghostly. Music has the profound ability to not only connect us with others, but connect us to other areas and aspects of ourselves. How many times have you listened to a song, and it transport you back to a different time , or made you feel a specific feeling? Music is incredibly powerful in that way. It can literally shift our feelings in the span of 3 minutes. Personally, I find that music is so incredibly important, and one of the most efficient transmitters of energy. Particularly with how multi-layered it is.