152. Rich Is Only A Feeling


I think that from our society’s standpoint, or at least my society’s standpoint, money is… not necessarily everything, but a lot. Particularly with how consumed we are with celebrities and popular culture, it’s not hard to feel that if you don’t have money you don’t have access and opportunities. And on some level, it’s true. Now with the wealth disparity, it’s more challenging than ever to get a leg up. On top of that, through energetic momentum and inertia when you’re on the ladder half of negativity (in other words the 50% toward the bottom vibration) you have to try extra hard to move to where you want to be. Imagine that you’re in a situation where wind is blowing you back and forth. From 0 to 50 yards it’s sort of blowing directly onto you, making it much more difficult to stay ahead. At some points, it feels impossible. But from 50 to 100, you have the wind in your sails, and it’s pushing you toward the finish line, where you want to go. Although this may seem like a strange metaphor, it’s why people who are generally happy seem to remain happy, and people who are generally unhappy seem to remain this way as well. The less positivity you have overall, the harder it will be to “supplement” other areas. If we imagine that we’ve got lots fo different energetic orbs in our energetic body, all with differing signatures, if we’re struggling with one area of life, we can sort of “supplement’ with another positive orb. Btu if the majority of these orbs are negative, we may find that some parts of our life are trying to tear down others. rather than “buoy” us back to positivity. It’s often times why the hardest thing to do is to get started. I think this is also why habits are so hard to form, but much easier to keep when they’re sort of “cemented” in our brains.

But this is sort of diverting from the point. But maybe not? While again, money is important because it’s sot of a physical/tangible currency that we have (which is adverse to energetic currency which is love, friendship, thoughtful gestures, etc.). They certainly go hand in hand, as if you typically expend more energy, the more you’ll gain in return. Or however energetically “valuable” at any given time or moment may also have an affect as well. It’s kind of like a celebrity ball. Not everyone is doing something noteworthy at that very moment. Perhaps they’re even a singer who hasn’t put out a hit in years. But their energetic “value” is quite different. However relevant or valuable you are may theoretically, increase your chance of success or monetary gain. Theoretically, if you had tons of positive orbs, would that increase your chance for success? Maybe? Positive energetic orbs are clearer energetic channels, which means you’re likely to have less blocks up. When we have negative orbs or “blocks” up, we unintentionally block abundance. A lot of times we block energy in general because w’re afraid of what might happen. Because we’ve been vulnerable to energy before which has hurt us. But there’s a difference between transmuting this energy and learning from it vs. being closed off. You can still forgive without forgetting.

Despite the strange and seemingly very important while simultaneously unimportant correlation between energetic value and physical currency, the concept of “richness” spans far and wide. We call lots of things rich, including indulgent foods. Or even when we talk about deep colors. It’s just sort of this feeling of being “full”. And we can feel this without having any money at all. One may want to feel “rich” but not necessarily wealthy. When we talk about feeling wealthy, it’s more so about feeling as though you have material objects and items. Perhaps you can consider yourself a certain class. But I don’t think there’s necessarily an abundant feeling that goes along with being wealthy. But when you consider being “rich”, it sounds much more as though you’re being fulfilled. Although the two fo these things are synonymous, we of course know that money doesn’t buy happiness. And that not everyone who is wealthy is happy. So why do we want to achieve it. Certainly to feel “rich”. But yet, the two aren’t necessarily correlated. After all, you can have everything and feel you have nothing.

The topic of money is very stressful for most people. But why is that we’re often times triggered when we talk about it? Shouldn’t we talk about it more, to release these triggers? When money is a taboo topic, I feel that it sort of allows people to be unheard. For things to remain in the shadows. For people to perpetuate guilt and shame. But we should have honest conversations without pointing a finger, and work toward solutions for more equal wealth distribution. Without everyone and anyone contributing positively, that silence and rejection is weaponized and used against us, or more specifically, against those who are most vulnerable. In this lifetime, unfortunately, we are tasked and faced with much personal responsibility. But it’s not to do everything, it’s simply to intuitively make decisions and proactively follow up on them. From an energetic perspective, if you’re struggling with money, it’s so important to come to a place of acknowledgement and acceptance, and to allow yourself to receive help.

I would spend the rest of this article stating that you can manifest as much money as you want, but it’s not always easy. But I’m not sure who even wants to hear that at this point. I certainly don’t, as I’m so over inundated with manifestation and law of attraction videos. But more importantly, I would just ask yourself to question. What do you actually value? And how is money a part of that? I do feel that on a fundamental level, we’re asked to go through trials, tribulations and learning lessons in this lifetime. And while we can sort of… say no, that’s totally not true. Think it’s ridiculous, or think it’s offensive, I truly believe that we all have a journey which has an intention. And sometimes that intention is to go through periods of struggle, to have less or more money at a given point, or to live a more simplistic lifestyle. We all co-create this collective together, and I do feel that we have the power to overturn it.


153. How To Have A Great Intuitive Reading


151. Don’t Chase What You Want In The Now