153. How To Have A Great Intuitive Reading


Although I’ve touched on this a little bit before, perhaps it was more so from a negative or directive lens. But I want to give the power back to clients, and not necessarily tell them what is right or wrong, but simply to consider a new way of thinking or new energies to reveal themselves.

One may think that you can approach any type of intuitive reading in any kind of way. But I wholeheartedly believe this isn’t true. Even the most talented intuitive must obey spiritual law, or some form of it, which is essentially only accessing energy which is permitted to be accessed. Whether this is directly reading the client themselves or receiving messages from other energy sources or entities. If you build up an energetic wall around a certain energetic “orb” that you possess, whether that’s a thought, feeling or emotion, you’re not going to allow anyone else to access it. That intention is going to be so intense, and perhaps even could cause pain if accessed. While this likely isn’t physical pain, it can make us feel violated. Sometimes we aren’t ready to access some of our truest thoughts, feelings and emotions. So we keep them under lock and key.

However, the intention of this comment isn’t to scare you. Everyone has their “demons” so to speak. It’s just part of life. Bringing this point back to the topic, the more of these lock and keys that you have, the more challenging it will be for a intuitive to access not only this information, but potentially other information which may be directly linked to it. Consider that everything is like a web.

I know that it may sound like an excuse, but if you’re been proactively rejecting negative energy, you won’t receive as comprehensive or accurate of a reading. You’ll energetically be blocking this information from coming forward. It is true that there’s some information which may not be shared with your reader, because it’s intended to be a surprise and delight moment, or it’s simply something that the client must come to a decision about on their own (in order to not regret it later), but these are typically related to pointed questions.

Negative energy isn’t always the culprit, specifically. Sometimes we have our minds set, and we’re unwilling or not wanting to know a different perspective or point of view. As a result, it’s likely that this information will come through, as it may be a detriment to the client. The point of an intuitive reading is to be productive (amongst other things), and not to provide the client with more fear or confusion. However, when you have an open mind, you’re willing for any and all possibilities to come through, as you’re telling the universe that you’re able to process it. Often times the “answers” that we’re looking for are not what we originally expected. Which makes sense, as we would otherwise have the answer for everything. Things are a bit convoluted or indirect. And sometimes the problem you’re having’s answer is a different problem’s answer. Again, the web thing.

These are really the major foundational elements of having a great reading. But here’s some more specific, tangible advice:

  • Work on proactively transmuting fear: Fear limits our perception value. It limits the access that we give others to our energy. It builds up in our energetic body and creates a sort of “prism’ of a perception value which again, is negative. It will be challenging to receive information which is relevant or truthful.

  • Remain open minded: When we consider that anything and everything is a potential solution to our problem, we accept this energy. If we don’t, it can ultimately become negative. No information should be forced on a client, particularly at a certain point or place in time. We have a comfortable relationship with ourselves and our perception value. Disrupting the flow of our thoughts, feelings and emotions not on our terms can be painful or even counter productive.

  • Set an intention: This is not only important due to law of attraction, but it sets the tone of the reading. This energy will likely be picked up by the reader in some way shape or form. Even if your precise question isn’t answered. It allows both you and the reader to be on the same page. It ensures that you’re receiving the information you’re looking for. This doesn’t need to be precise. You can simply set the intention to receive information regarding what you need to know right now.

  • Ask specific yet open questions: Lots of things are up to our own free will. Timelines shift and flux. Although readers can pick up patterns, there’s always the opportunity for the client to change their outcome. Black and white or yes and no questions are challenging because there’s no way for them to encompass the entirety of our complex energetic bodies. There should be no yes or no questions asked with the anticipation of a 100% guarantee. I often times like to work in percentages, but there’s no way I can predict the future finitely in a physical manifestation. Since we’re constantly co-creating our physical environment alongside of the collective (whom again, has free will), things are always subject to change. Context and insight are always welcomed. For example, instead of asking “Will I get this job?”, you can ask, “Will I like this job if I receive it?”. The other issue with the question of “will I get this job” is that the reader could hypothetically deter the client from putting in extra effort and work to actually attain the job. Unintentionally, the reader could distract or distort the client’s destiny in a negative or unforeseen way. It’s almost like a… meta, layered type of information. I do often times hypothesize if something comes through strongly enough, it’s what the client needs to hear for whatever reason, even if it’s not 100% truthful. Simply because it will intentionally direct them toward their highest good. Whoa.

  • Write down anything you’d like to discuss beforehand: It can often times be challenging to remember your intentions or questions as the reading gets going. This way you have a real time reference.

  • Be in a quiet, peaceful place: Granted, it may seem impossible to achieve this in certain circumstances, but I find that it does make a difference for your reading in terms of receptivity and focus.

  • Provide whatever context you feel is right: I know of some people who deliberately hold back information. This certainly isn’t bad, but it can help direct the flow of the conversation, and can also help clarify any confusion. In essence, it allows for a deeper dive into certain topics. On the other hand, you’ll certainly not want to over explain too much in order to take up time in the reading.

  • Take what resonates: No one gets everything right. Additionally, not everything resonates at a certain point and place in time. Some things are “future” messages. Don’t be discouraged because you can’t place something. Even myself, I’ve had readings where a message was incredibly obvious but I didn’t realize the reference until much later. Sometimes you can be incredibly distracted during readings and it’s hard to form thoughts.

  • Try to maintain about 3-4 weeks between readings: Although some reading topics are very different, such as a passed pet reading versus a love reading, if you’re getting an in-person/over the phone reading which is centered around what you need to know right now, it’s likely that not enough time will pass for you to receive blatantly new energy. It may be redundant and as a result, duplicative or confusing.

  • Get excited! Although it can be a little nerve wrecking (I get nervous too), this is really a time for you to explore your thoughts, feelings and desires, gain clarity and receive information, validation and resonation.

    There’s so many things that can make a great reading, and I find that they’re specific for each client. Each of my clients are so different. They have different wants, needs and styles of communicating. I find that often times readers pick up on this, but if they don’t, it’s totally okay to be direct.

Know that sometimes, things just don’t work out. If you find that your reader is making you feel strange, odd or uncomfortable, I would say it’s a good idea to stop the reading immediately. If you “feel” it’s right, but there’s little resonation, it may be up to you. Again, i think that there’s a warm-up period and that some things may reveal themselves over time, so I think that there can be some discrepancies in a reading which don’t match 100%. With that said, if you leave a reading and you feel little to no resonation, I would suggest not going back to that reader. Some clients and readers just don’t vibe. I would say that only “dangerous” situation to be in is if you feel that someone is intentionally scamming you out of money, looking to manipulate your thoughts, feelings or emotions, or is intending on providing you false or disruptive information (amongst other things I’m not mentioning).

Happy readings!


154. Skeptics & Pessimists


152. Rich Is Only A Feeling