154. Skeptics & Pessimists


To start this post, which by the way, is very pro-skeptic without acknowledging that any and all objections to my work, of course to an extent, do affect me, would be misleading.

Despite having the pressures of a job, clients and some type of a “work environment”, it’s not quite easy to be operating in a field which many members of society deem as egregious in some way shape or form. Particularly existing in contrast with the most emphasized religion of the United States. But oh, well. What else am I supposed to do? Die? I guess some people might hope I do. But I have good news for you. I will, one day. Likely.

Regardless of how irritated or agitated I get that… many other people aren’t living in the same world as me (I suppose that can be said for all of us), I’m not totally sure what I expected incarnating here on earth? I suppose that in some ways that would mean, I would want everyone to be like me. But that’s kind of silly, isn’t it?

It’s hard not to feel that you would have more success if your ideas were more readily accepted. But maybe it’s the mystery, intrigue and difference which can bring people success. I suppose there’s something to that, and marketing.

When others devalue your perception value so much, it’s not only challenging, but it can be painful. I almost wonder if it’s only painful, or more painful, if we truly don’t believe in our own perception value. Or have come to terms with it. I hope as a society, we can not allow others’s disbelief in ourself be true. I don’t think it ever will be, so long as we truly believe.

In terms of the difference between skeptics and pessimists, I find that skeptics are simply those who question aspects and elements of reality. But pessimists refuse to believe in certain aspects or elements of society. Even if those aspects or elements are just beliefs. I always think, why be a pessimist? Why refuse to believe? After all there are so many things we don’t know, so what’s the block? Personally, I find many people who refuse to believe an ideology “could” exist, are likely working from a place of rejection or fear. Personally, I like to say that I “believe” everything, but I only subscribe to some things. This encompasses the range of truth, as well as accepts others truth, but allows you to practice discernment.

While I find it likely unnecessary to have a world of pessimists, since it’s based on a rejection model, which is only existing in a fractaled reality, and not a whole reality (in other words, not feeling or believing that you are a part of class consciousness, which is what I believe to be the truth), there is certainly a need for skeptics.

While of course, I would love everyone to subscribe, consider how important it is for some of us to be skeptics. Throughout time, it’s been incredibly dangerous to subscribe indefinitely and willingly to the ideologies and philosophies of others. It’s lead to pain, suffering, and even death. It’s important that we remain critical as we go through life. It’s important that we not only question the motives of others, but ourselves as well. This allows us to keep ourselves in check, rather than leading blindly, or for our own ego purposes.

Skeptics play a huge role in helping to abolish more sinister characters here on earth. Those intentionally or unintentionally inflicting pain and trauma on others.

On top of that, sometimes it’s the journey of a skeptic, or a pessimist. What if, for example, it’s your soul’s journey to be intuitive in this lifetime, but to face the skepticism of others? That’s an incredibly unique journey. How would an intuitive grow if they didn’t face criticism or backlash? All “negativity” is certainly part of our journey. We don’t need to harbor it, but we do need to acknowledge, accept it, and transmute it.

Perhaps your journey is being a skeptic, and then becoming a believer. But is being a believer always right? Maybe. Perhaps believers are those who push evolution forward. And skeptics are ones that retain balance, and keep us grounded. But regardless, there’s space for all.

Whenever you find yourself being in the seat of a skeptic or pessimist, ask yourself this. Are you simply being triggered? Was your gut reaction to jump out of your seat and attack someone? You may be reacting out of fear. Or do you just don’t genuinely believe it feels “right”? Considering we will likely never have all of the answers in this dimension/point and place in time, it’s silly for us to argue. We really just need to move forward with the information we have (which we should still remain skeptical about, as our intelligence and understanding does change over time) at any given time.

When we take a step back and realize that “truth” is fluxing and changing every single second, it becomes less of a big deal that something isn’t “truthful”. Or right or wrong. So long as we are doing the best we can with the information that we have, and we are operating out of love. I suppose that’s all we can do/ask for.


155. How To Channel


153. How To Have A Great Intuitive Reading