155. How To Channel
So what is channeling?
I consider channeling to be a “type” of intuitive/psychic/mediumship ability which is more so aligned with resonation. I find that (at least for me) there’s two types of receiving psychic messages. One is channeling, or truly resonating and “feeling” energy, almost as if you’re a part of it, or through the perceived energy’s point of view. And the other is receiving messages. In other words, another energy or in particular, entity, is sharing their experience and translating the message on your behalf. I find that channeling is more so through the readers perspective, while receiving messages is more so from the entity’s perspective.
I believe that you can translate channeling into lots of different ways. However, because it’s more so resonation, I feel that it’s more so in knowing and feeling. I believe that receiving messages often times is more so auditory and visual. However that’s not to say that there isn’t crossover.
While this may sound strange and may be a theory, consider that all fractals in some way shape or form represent duality. So psychic ability would also theoretically be… duality.
Channeling and receiving messages are of course “extra sensory perception”. So all of us have this ability that we can tap into, and it certainly exists (although I suppose it depends who you ask), however for some, it can be more challenging to tap into this ability. Which is a great segue to the steps of channeling.
Here are my suggestions for becoming a channeler:
Drop any preconceived notions: I find that the key to channeling is pretending that you know nothing, or better, nothing is as it may seem. When you are open to any and all possibilities, not only are you open to the perceived “truth”, but entities will be more willing to trust you with their information. That you will translate it and deliver it, despite its contrast to your current perceived reality. Nothing you perceive may exist, or everything does out of your perception value. Maybe you’re the villain of your own story. Maybe everything you’re doing right now is against your highest good. Are you truly open to the truth? Can you forget what you’ve previously learned? Since the purpose of channeling is to get to the “truth”, it may be in stark contrast to what we already know. While you can still have information and knowledge going into channeling and remain unbiased, since these energies are incredibly abstract, we can sometimes overcompensate by projecting our own, physical thoughts onto a situation, which may ultimately be unhelpful. Note that all people channel differently. It’s important not to think that you’ll only receive information one way. Any time you feel different from yourself, or a new and interesting sensation, you may just be channeling!
Try to mitigate fears: I find that having fears and blocks are the easiest ways to prevent yourself from not only channeling, but knowing and understanding the truth. When we hold onto energy, they essentially act as “orbs” in and around our energetic body. And these orbs are a prism in which we see the world. The issue is that these prisms are distorted. So even if you do end up channeling, you’ll likely receive skewed or misinformation. For me personally, it sort of feels like I’m “dying” and no longer know myself when I get deep into channeling. This lack of physical control can be really scary for some people. While you may have mental and emotional ears down, do you have physical ones? Or of course, vice versa. While it may be challenging to attack all of your fears head on, it’s great to conquer small fears everyday as well as continue to try new and interesting things, to get you out of your comfort zone. This is also good inertia for change. Resistance to change can kind of build up over time, so you’ll want to ensure that you’re not avoiding this process. Many people want to know why some avoid accessing their intuition. Accessing the “truth” can ultimately blow up your life. It could end relationships, careers, lifestyles, etc. And some people are unwilling to part with what they have. If you don’t want your foundation rocked, this might not be for you. For me personally, my beliefs, perception value and identity were all put into question.
Find yourself a comfortable “place” and meditate: Spending time with yourself alone and distraction free is a great way to start eliminating distractions and distortions, like technology and social media. i think it’s a fallacy that you need to be sitting on the ground in silence to meditate. I often times meditate while doing chores, listening to music, in the shower, etc. So long as you “zone out”, you’re kind of in a spiritual space. A lot of times people do this when they’re focusing on hobbies. This is really tapping into universal energy where you’re unintentionally quite receptive. The key is focusing without projecting an intended result.
Set an intention: What’s the point or purpose of your channeling? it can certainly be open, but you’ll want to consider some semblance of an intention. Good intentions are pointed, but open. They are often times not yes or no answers. They come from a place of love and allow for the truth.
Begin the process: After setting the intention to channel (and a more pointed topic or question), I focus on considering the energy around my heart chakra. Once I feel it, I slowly drop this energy down toward my stomach. To me, it feels like I’m not only decreasing my heart rate, but I’m allowing for “space” in my heart chakra. I’m almost getting out of my own way. This is the part that feels like I’m dying. I feel like I’ve just dropped on a roller coaster. But I find it’s the quickest and most effective way to hold space.
Observe your surroundings: Any and all sensations are valid. Sometimes it’s just very tiny feelings throughout my body. At first, they don’t really mean anything. It’s up to me to follow this thread of energy. Again, any time you feel different or feel that you have a different perception value, you’re on your way! For me, psychic ability is very subtle. It feels like imagination which doesn’t go away.
Follow the threads: Much of this process is “following” the thread. Or in other words, feeling the first part of a sensation, and diving into it. Allowing this impression to become much stronger. Starting to observe it in a different way. Dive deep into it. Start to ask questions. If you’re not getting much, you can use a body pendulum in order to discern yes or no questions. A body pendulum is when you observe what a yes or no feels like within your body. This is sort of a separate practice, as you need to essentially work up to what feels like a yes or a no. You do this by meditating and asking yourself a series of yes or no questions. Wherever or however you feel it in your body is correct for you! Forewarning, this is something you do not want to rely too heavily on. It has given me mixed results overtime. However, I do feel it’s a useful tool while just starting out.
Remain patient: Decoding your own language with the universe not only takes patience, but it’s a co-creation process. It takes a while to not only trust yourself, but to put all the pieces together. However I do feel that intuition is at least 90$ trust.
Although i believe that anyone and everyone can benefit from aligning to their intuition, revealing their own “truth”, and channeling, I acknowledge that it’s not always the right time. Discern what is right for you. Not just for timing, but experience-wise as well. I recommend being in the highest vibration you can be in, as well as being “aware” of what you may experience. I would recommend sourcing from other readers, posts and internet articles. The intention isn’t to over inundate you or determine what the experience should be like for you, but it’s just to gauge the possibilities. If you feel called to channeling, it’s likely right for you. But don’t force it. Remember, this should be a positive and fulfilling experience. Keep practicing!