157. The Importance Of Channeling In Science & Ethics


One may think that channeling and science are two separate entities. Well, perhaps they are, but that they exist in two different worlds. When in fact, science and spirituality are different versions of explanations of the same thing. Anything and everything we believe and create is living in one simultaneous reality. So why are we so bent on not just separating them, but vilifying each other?

My personal opinion is that there is a fallacy that those who do not believe in science are only doing so because they simply choose to believe in an alternate method of science. But this isn’t actually true. They choose to not believe in science, and as a result, default to whatever is the next logical, comfortable, or easy solution. it’s important to note that generalized science and medicine is not a one size fits all philosophy, and we know as a fact that holistically help, support and growth is incredibly integral to overall wellness, whether that’s therapy, meditation, nutrition, exercise, etc. Not simply just a suppression for an ailment. We acknowledge as a culture that the root cause of an issue or ailment is likely best treated versus only treating the symptoms. However treating that root cause is often times a well-rounded problem. Therefore, “holistic” treatment is in my opinion, the most successful type of treatment. So if holistic healing is theoretically the most successful, why are we so incredibly hell bent on one way or the other.

One theory is that we need special support in one particular area, so we tend to be more attracted to it overall. Perhaps our inclination is incredibly correct. But perhaps it’s not. Unfortunately without alignment to our own intuition, it can become incredibly challenging to discern the right moves for us going forward.

Typically in these conversations I default to… if we as a collective believe something is real, it is real. We simply just don’t subscribe to it ourselves. Personally, I feel that the most appropriate term for these situations is not that “I don’t believe”, but simply that “I don’t subscribe”. This way you’re allowing for acknowledgement and acceptance without rejecting other people and parts of the collective.

So how can both spirituality and science help each other and/or intersect? From my perspective, channeling is the root of the truth from an intuitive and personal source. We all have the ability to tap into our own intuition, as well as the world around us. Although I feel that intuitive ability or importance varies from person to person, we have a lot more of the world than we think at our fingertips. If we can move evolution further by aligning to this intuition (by being decisive and making stronger, bolder moves), we can honestly accelerate the growth of science as a whole. I find that both of these “worlds” are not at odds with each other, but can serve to help each other. On top of that, spiritual integration can really benefit someone from a mental and emotional perspective. And while science does both, it primarily works on a physical level, because it’s a physical deduction.

When I work to channel energies at their root source or cause, I truly feel that I am understanding the “truth”, or the beginnings of this source of energy. I feel that over time, we tend to pile up a lot of our own preconceived notions, projections and “answer”. But the truth is… as a society, we are just repeating history over and over again in different physical manifestations and forms. When will we truly try to resolve these issues?

People are evolving, but not always in the best way. Some people are realizing that their old ways off doing bad and negative things aren’t working, so they find new and updated ways to continue their pursuit of fear, shame and rejection, and impose these beliefs onto others.

Rather than assume that those who do not have a direct affiliation with science are irrelevant to the improvement and the progress of human evolution (and by proxy actually improving science indirectly through support), we should be not only experimenting with alternate methods, but remaining open minded for any unexpected support and alliance to come through.

I do feel that there’s a fear of lack of discernment. How can we have leadership, or I suppose, authoritarian leadership if there isn’t one central point of view? I think this is the question that we as people have been avoiding. The first part of this question is why we feel that we need an authoritarian government. Although most countries theoretically do not have an authoritarian government, they have a form of an authoritarian governing body, which is simply those who have the most perceived power and control. However, power and control is ultimately an illusion, but that’s for a different video. The answer is for ourselves to ultimately be the discerners and the decision makers of our own life. Would we theoretically be a more whole and unified collective if we all ultimately fully knew and understood our roles in society, rather than rejecting them and fighting them? Or proactively giving away our control because of fear of becoming or aligning to our most authentic selves. In theory, if we all were able to process old, negative and stagnant energy, and take calculated risks, and proactively work to better ourselves and others, would we be so fractaled as a collective? The answer would be no. There would be no need or room for this discussion, because our self-government would be from a place of wholeness, peace and love, and this would be the energy that we would redirect onto the world, rather than making the world suffer from our own insecurities and problems.

Self-governance will be one of the most important considerations we will need to take into the future. Governments will fall, and only people will be left. We have the power and ability to create and destroy governances at our will. The perception that governances create and destroy us is backwards and ultimately a fallacy, and only true and real because we subscribe to that ideology. But the matter of the fact is that the people do have all of the power. We only perceive that we don’t, when we proactively give it away/let it escape us. 

With this new and aligned philosophy of self-determination, self-governance and more rational decision making, our approach to how we resolve the world’s problems will become much more unified. Our solutions to any and all problems, as a part of science or otherwise, will become much more rational and clear. Because we will all be much more honest with our truth, which will ultimately be the pervasive energy. Everything will have clarity.

At the end of the day, remain open minded in order to acknowledge and accept any and all solutions to problems. This creates conversation, discussion, and room and space for discernment. Without room and space for discernment, we will ultimately exist within the same negative cycles and patterns. We can create space as as human beings by transmuting negative energy, and not blocking ourselves from receptivity.


158. In Increments, Discern If You Need Something Mental, Emotional Or Physical


156. What Channeling Astrological Signs Taught Me