158. In Increments, Discern If You Need Something Mental, Emotional Or Physical
One of the most useful tips I’ve learned throughout my time as an intuitive is being more present than I ever have. And this isn’t to say that I’m more present than others, because I believe it’s untrue. I feel that a byproduct of being empathic, intuitive and channeling is that you’re always “somewhere else”, whether that’s a past, future or parallel life, or simply in a different “world” than others.
I realized that leaning so heavily into my intuition was taking me away fro the present. And despite this sounding like “not a big deal”, I started to become incredibly disconnected with the world around me. With myself, with others I cared about, etc. Simply because I didn’t have the ability to get out of my own head.
Alternatively, I was struggling with another issue, which was that I became incredibly bored quickly, and started to distract myself with technology. Personally, I don’t feel that technology is the culprit of our short attention span, but simply the way that we are evolving. We are living faster lives. We’re moving through learning lessons more quickly. And as a result, we not only need to multi-task to “keep up” with our own energetic bodies, we also need to keep up with rapidly changing universal energy. Consider if you’re working on one, long project. It kind of feels like you’re missing out on other stuff, right? Perhaps you become so entrenched in your own world that you forget that the world around you is ever-changing. Sometimes it’s good to pause one thing to pick up another. At any given moment, energies around us are changing, and sometimes it’s a clearer channel to align with them.
When it became too overwhelming to deduce precisely what I should be doing at any given moment, I decided I would start to switch from mental, emotional and physical “things”. So for example, I would exercises if I felt I needed a physical activity. Or I would write a blog post if I felt I needed spiritual. And if I needed mental, I might reach out to a friend. By switching between these different areas or aspects of life, it’s still doing the work of switching up energies, but it keeps it open ended enough for you to be the final decision maker. I also often find that when I remove myself from one task, I’m able to better understand what/if/how it needs to get done.
If we imagine that our physical, mental and emotional selves are all different buoys, some are being stressed more than others. We need to help “buoy back” these other areas to maintain balance. I realize that this doesn’t really make any sense (meanwhile I always use buoy metaphors), but just consider the concept of balance.
Consider that often times these different categories blend into each other. Perhaps not one singular thing is only physical or only mental. However, I feel that often times things lean more toward one or the other. But the point is fulfilling how we “feel” and what we need to do versus over-classifying.