173. Can You Exist In Another “World” Than Other People


This is sort of coming out of the concept of perception values.

Since every person has such a unique perception value, I would argue that, yes, you can definitely be in a different “world” than other people.

Let’s look at what we know. We know that there are people who perceive reality significantly different than what we would perceive to be “normal”. Not saying it’s bad, but it’s divergent from typical. So that would be neurodivergent people, those who suffer from mental illness, or quite frankly, anyone who has had an incredibly drastically different experience than others. If you’ve grown up in a big city, you will have a vastly different world view from someone who lives in a different country on an isolated island. And we don’t even need to get into all of the different lifestyle factors and life experiences that go along with it. To be honest, it’s hard to believe that we are all living in the same world.

But let’s talk about it. All of our worlds are incredibly different, because we perceive them to be different. After all, the only thing funneling all of the information of what we see and hear is us. And we know that fundamentally, we perceive these things quite differently. Particularly how it enters our system and what we do with it. I may hear a song and get an emotional reaction, and you may have none at all. Or something incredibly different.

There’s an interest I have in this perception value. Again, we are the processors of this information. So theoretically we could fine tune our processors to “work” in whichever way we please. Much of it is of course initiated by collective realty or generally what is “truthful”, but the other is simply through the prisms of our experiences shaping our reality. You’re truly projecting anything and everything you know onto reality, and so if everyone else. It’s kind of a wonder how all of these perception values mesh and intersect. I suppose in some ways they don’t, and that’s how we have so much chaos in the world. Makes me wonder how could they more, or in general, what if they do? I’m not sure if there’s an answer. In my mind, I just see these giant “orbs” radiating from people, which I suppose is their “filtration” system of how they see the world. And occasionally they bump not or mesh with others. And I suppose when you become incredibly close to someone, they practically live on top of each others. They’re still autonomous, but there’s almost this… surrender that happens. I truly believe that intimacy is related to the surrendering of old perception values or strongly held or old/limiting beliefs. There needs to be either a compromise or you letting go of parts of your perception values to work to see the world in a slightly different way. And if this other person sees the world out of love, this is an incredibly enlightening experience for you. But if they choose to see it in a negative way, it will become an incredible detriment to you.

Choose the experiences that you have in your life wisely, as they not only shape your current reality, but are a good indication of how you will shape your future reality. Consider the concept of “cross pollinating” different perception values. Are you too silo’d into your own, which is becoming a detriment? Are you too involved in other peoples’ that you barely have any autonomy or thoughts and ideas of your own? In order to retain a sense of self or ego as well as personal success, it’s important to retain, of course. But in order to have closeness and connection with others, there must be a bit of give and take. Consider how it may be a detriment for you, or a gift to you depending on what you’re trying to achieve, as well as where you are at a current point and place in time.


174. Re-resonate With Yourself Throughout The Day


172. People Want To Hear Things From Your Perception Value