174. Re-resonate With Yourself Throughout The Day
I suppose it’s pretty clear and evident that one should continue to check in with oneself throughout the day, but how many people really do? We are all super busy, an d particularly if you’re taking care of the needs of others, it may feel like you come second. Perhaps it’s not even friends or family, but simply your job, or your ‘routine”. We all in some way shape or form align to an unspoken of unwritten routine of habits each and every day. This certainly isn’t a bad thing, as it keeps us going so to speak, but we can sort of get lost or trapped in this monotony. And not only monotony, but just things which we think we should be doing, but don’t feel we should be doing.
Let’s think of it this way. At any given moment, the world is turning and billions, if not trillions of different energies have their own consciousnesses playing out all at once. We’ve all heard of the butterfly effect where one thing across the globe can spark a domino effect reaction. As our world is turning and more and more people are making proactive decisions upon themselves, even if they are negative, in some ways we are a victim to their will. To be honest, it’s kind of shocking that we aren’t all bumping into each other in an even more negative capacity than already existing at current moment.
So what’s the point? As energy is shifting and moving, it requires us to continue to shift and move. We really need to be more adaptable as intuitive human beings. We’re all familiar with this, as we notice our mood shifting. Perhaps in one moment we feel incredibly excited to do something, but within seconds lose this momentum. We’re all aware of how energy changes in an instant. On a subconscious level, I do feel that there’s a reason fo this. We’re really tapping into the energies within us, around us or outside of us. We’re working to overcome any energetic challenges and work through them. Sometimes that means we need to be at rest and have patience, and other times it means that perhaps we need to move forward quickly without question. I’m sure that you can think of moments negative and positive where timing was “just right”. I’m not saying we will have the ability to always avoid the inevitable, but I am saying that with more injection fo consciousness or intuition, perhaps we can slowly work through the disadvantages in the form of negative or “not ideal” energy coming at us or toward us. Consider it sort of like a moving car. We are theoretically “blindfolded” in regards to the future, yet we are stepping out into it, or the unknown. Do we have an intuitive reflex to avoid getting hit by a car on the street? Maybe, or maybe not. But I don’t want anyone to get the wrong impression. It may be nearly impossible to avoid anything and everything unknown. I mean after all, it’s a condition of life to go through challenges and learning lessons, so sometimes our subconscious remains blissfully unaware.
As a way to overcome the “unknown”, or simply getting way too silo’d into a routine which is no longer serving you, I recommend intuitively checking in with yourself throughout multiple times of the day. If you’re new on your intuition journey, it may be hard to understand what you “need” to be doing to satisfy your subconscious or conscious self. A trick I like to do is to “feel” whether I need to be doing something mental/emotional, spiritual or physical. Or perhaps a combination of all 3. Since these are some of the largest/most intense forces that we’re working with, it’s a good guide, and it also limits our choices, at least at first, in order for us to make a better or quicker decision. You can always, of course, move on from there to distill it down to something more practical or specific. It’s really just an initial gauge.
Admittedly, it can become overwhelming to have so much “choice” or feel like what you’er doing could be wrong. I think in some ways, that’s the advantage of a routine. However logically, we must acknowledge at some point that it’s beneficial for these routines to ebb and flow, and become more aligned to ourselves as we go through time.