179. A Higher Level Look At Dynamics Surrounding Abortion
Obviously now with the newest Supreme Court decision, it has the collective feeling in all sorts of ways. No matter what “side” you’re on, this is truly indicative of the forces of duality. And in order for us to stop living in the most fractaled elements of our duality, we must understand what overarching concepts and themes are at play, in order to prepare ourselves with more context and information, and start to heal from the root source. Here are my thoughts, which I channeled in my notes:
Regarding abortion, we’re kind of missing the point. Divine masculine and feminine are sort of clenching together and shifting. Sort of like wrestlers who are rolling down a hill, which means that at times divine feminine is going to “win” the war or the battle. But this will go on and on for centuries until we stop fighting with each other and realize that we’re both stuck together because we’re just the same coin, just different sides of it. And until humanity gets it, we’ll continue to battle with ourselves.
I also want to share this insight. Do you know when like… someone desperately wants a rise out of another person so they do something crazy to get their attention? Consider that anything and everything is theoretically intentional in the long-term of our evolution. And if someone needs to get a rise out of someone else, or one energetic party needs to get a rise out of the other, they’ll do something particularly “crazy” in order to do so. It’s this balancing act that different energetic forces, particularly divine dualities do. So if the divine feminine collective needed to organize, rise up or agitate themselves for the good or betterment of human kind, there would be an extreme catalyst to this. The end result would be a positive unified force striving for a greater good.
When you attack a certain energetic group or energetic body, you unintentionally unify them. And it’s actually how you strengthen and energetic body of people. If you want to manipulate and control people, you fractal them. And in order to fractal people, you need to turn them against each other. But when you make threats on them as a whole, again, you unify them. So your plan almost always ultimately backfires.
Ironically, I feel like we’re actually over intellectualizing these kind of… materialistic or physical “conspiracies”, aren’t necessarily “wrong”, but I feel that the driving force is almost subconscious. Like I would highly doubt that anyone is having a conversation about these conspiracies outright because if they did, they would realize that it wouldn’t actually make any sense. Because in an escalated timeline, or in other words, when our consciousness is moving so incredibly quickly and technology is rapidly advancing, our energetic input and output is really, really fast. Which means that we need to bring more in and take more out and we need to have an incredibly decisive and conscious effort of doing so. And if we’re uncomfortable with the acceleration of our energetic trajectory, we’re going to do a lot of things to stop it. Having less input and output of energetic bodies is associated with a very slow timeline. But our “minds” are already programmed to be on an escalated timeline. It’s basically when people are like we’re “going back to the dark ages”, because from a physical sense, we’re kind of trying to arrest development, but our intelligence and our knowledge and understanding of the universe is moving rapidly and our physical bodies are stagnating.
So what’s going to happen?
We’re going to have mental/emotional timeline moving quickly this way, and physical timeline moving backwards, and they’re both going to pull so far away from each other, that I feel they’re eventually going to have to snap back and hit each other. Consider it like a giant rubber band. If we do not allow for mental/emotional and physical timelines to be on the same page, we’re going to have a serious snap back effect which causes both timelines to hit into each other. So what happens when you take a rubber band and stretch it so far and then let go of it? In the meantime, we stretch both parts out so far away from each other, or in other words, we become so “far” away from each other consciously and subconsciously. Then, this energetic disparity becomes so incredibly tight, stressed and tensioned. And when it reaches a “breaking point”, or in other words, where we are arresting our own development and need an immediate solution to evolve, we “let go” both sides which then in turns, snaps us back together. When we “let go” of it so quickly, it releases an incredibly quick and rapid form or energy.
On this “release” we create more surface area. Imagine that as this rubber band slowly moves outward, it starts to collect “dust”, or in other words, negative energy. When it releases, all of this “dust” will spontaneously release with no real intention. It will go out into the ethers unwarranted. It would likely cause mass distress, chaos and confusion. However, theoretically, it would also be a humungous release of old, negative and stagnant energy in a positive way, and away from our energetic bodies which have been inhabiting it all this time. It’s sort of like… prisoners all escaping from a prison at once. I don’t believe we ever want to get to that point. We want to bring back both timelines slowly, so that we can resolve energy more appropriately, and transmute it effectively.
So what’s the true answer? A physically arrested timeline and an escalated mental/emotional timeline simply does not work. We would theoretically have to reduce our mental and emotional intelligence and emotional intelligence in order to make this work. This is why we need our physical environment to “keep up” so to speak. We need to allow options, opportunity and chase so that we do not put undue burden on the collective. Without options, we have arrested development. In the meantime, despite reasons to not want to do so, we need to start bringing together our divine feminine and divine masculine energies. In other words, we need to stop rejecting one another, or else we will push out this rubber band farther and farther, and endanger all of us. We have to find a way to work together, not because it “sounds” good, but because our future depends on it.