180. The Worst Energy To Channel


Not a more appropriate time to bring this up than pride month. I’ll explain.

I would reckon that most mediums likely remember a spirit or two that jolts them. Really sticks with them. It could be the most simple person who taught them something amazing. Or in my case, had a pain that hurt so deep.

Particularly when you are newer along in this process, there are some things which are so new and foreign, you just don’t forget. Particularly when you channel the emotions of others, it’s quite literally as if you’re feeling them, which can be quite jolting.

I was channeling a spirit who I did not have a connection with. To be honest, I’m not sure why he came to me, but I guess he was just attracted to my energy, or had a message to share.

Through intuition I felt that he was a soldier. Not sure when, maybe in one of the world wars. However, he did quite well. Either he rose in the ranks or had some type of special job or position. Notably, he helped save countless lives. He was considered a hero.

However, he had a secret which he was either keeping from people for a while, or perhaps realized upon his discharge. He was attracted to men, and from my understanding, considered himself gay. There was a time when he had told people that he knew, or perhaps they found out. But there was certainly a feeling of not being able to or really wanting to hide it.

He was completely shunned by his peers, and even disgraced. I’m not sure the level or extent of his persecution, but it was beyond ugly. The feeling that it gave me was incredibly sickly. Particularly for a man who was a hero, he was completely disregarded for his preference.

Now, that may sound like a similar story to ones that you’ve heard, or perhaps, even ones that you yourself or others close to you have lived. But there’s something about channeling this story in depth and in such a short period of time which really illuminates how preventable, unnecessary and bewildering the response he got was. When you distill somebody’s story down to just a few moments, you can start to see things which do not come to light over the course of such a long period of time.

What struck me as being so difficult to handle was the feeling of rejection of one’s authentic self. I will never forget it. It’s been a while since I’ve experienced it, but it is so incredibly opposite to the point of life, and the point of ourselves. When someone rejects, dismisses, or belittles you for your authentic self, they are anti-life, anti-god, and anti-the point. It truly comes from a place of deep denial and dismissal of their own selves. It hits you the deepest, because it’s the deepest disturbance that a soul could ever have. Where others or themselves hates their authentic selves. It’s literal and complete spiritual treason.

I hope that this really sinks in to whoever is reading this. We’ve seen this scenario play out hundreds of times in regards to the LGBTQ+ community, however it’s not singular to this group. Everyone is at risk of being persecuted, and everyone is also at risk of doing the persecution. No one is safe.

I’m not sure there’s much I can do to convince people to not feel this way, as it’s more than just guidance and advice. It’s truly an upheaval of their perception value and beliefs. But hopefully I can spread this message to make it more glaringly obvious that there’s something wrong here. We truly have a disease amongst ourselves, and it’s not gender identity, it’s the complete removal of ourselves from the human race. From empathy, kindness and understanding. We expect as a society to get things done and move through life with bitterness, aggression and solely independent thought and thinking, assuming that it’s martyrdom and sacrifice on behalf of oneself and others in order to “make it”. You’ll make it, but you’ll ultimately make it into a giant hole that you create yourself which will inevitably push away anyone and everyone around you. And I gotta say, it’s not usually happy there.

Please be respectful of others. Your soul and others’ souls depend on it.


181. Fake What You See


179. A Higher Level Look At Dynamics Surrounding Abortion