183. Society Takes Advantage Of You
A really common response to those who provide psychic, mediumship or other intuitive or channeled services is that these readers and people are “taking advantage” of their clients. I think it’s more so in a mediumship sense, but if you’re someone who does not believe in the power of intuition, then you’ll likely target anyone. I want to really reverse the roles and reverse the narrative for this discussion, because I find it to be fundamentally flawed. We are so entrenched in “the system” that we’re not even really able to see how much of a victim we either are, or can potentially be, depending on a number of different variables, one in particular being our socioeconomic status.
As a member of many countries, particularly the United States, you’re typically seen as a commodity. While there are services and systems in place in order to protect human beings, it’s not so much out of the love and care for those receiving it. What it’s really doing is providing “crowd control”. It’s pacifying a state of being in which people need help, services and resources, or else our economic system, as well as the pacification of a group of people will cease to exist. The services provided to us, particularly on a state or government level, are more so there by requirement, through ages of lobbying, demanding, and giving in to the request or demand of essential function. However us as people, are seen as a necessity only for a larger good, or in my opinion, a larger evil.
IF we simply take a look at the problems that have plagued us throughout tie, we will realize that the benefit of a small, select few, or the benefit of economic systems has ultimately always ruled in favor. We as people are essentially used to “prop up” these people and these systems as a means of a greater “good”. We are again, seen as commodities.
Now, depending on your status, you may be falling less or more of a victim to this. If you’re someone who has all of your needs taken care of and met, it’s likely that you will be largely exempt from this power and process. However, if you’re like the vast majority of Americans, you ultimately do fall victim to relying more greatly on others in order to have these needs met.
Many of the resources that we receive are for-profit. The entire healthcare sector, a large portion of the education sector, the production fo all of the goods and services that we receive, our financial structure, politics and the lobbying of our government, our homes and shelters as well as our food source(s) are all for-profit businesses.
Now, I’m actually not here to argue about all of our essential goods and services being for-profit businesses, because I do understand the reality of the situation, and I do understand the benefits of capitalism to an extent. But I’m more interested in talking about how this affects us as human beings.
There is no doubt that the majority of Americans will fall in as being a cog in the machine. There is no other way around systems like this which suppress and control masses. Whether it’s physically or simply mentally and emotionally. We are at the highest risk of being taken advantage of. Because there is practically nothing that we create, share, distribute or invent which is not for-profit. Anything and everything is a commodity. Our skills, our personalities, the work that we put into the world. And again, perhaps that’s not a bad thing.
Btu what becomes of someone when anything and everything about them is fuel in the engine of capitalism? Now with the rise of social media, our deepest and most sincere moments can also be fuel for this machine. Everything about our lives is commodified, and therefore we are a commodity. There’s just no way around it.
As a result, again, we are in a prime position to be taken advantage of. We likely see it daily. We are price gauged, we have rights stripped away from us when we do not comply with the systems that are being enforced on us, we are expected to make a deal with the devil in regards to our life passion and pursuits at the expense of being able to feed our families. We are in an unspoken, unwritten commitment with the state and the government that we will abide by these rules, give ourselves to the extent in which we are deemed worthy and deserving, and in some cases, we even give our life.
We’ve constructed a society and a system which not just takes advantage of other people, but takes advantage of ourselves as well. And systematically, it’s highly unlikely that those who are incredibly poor will see a light at the end of that tunnel soon, unless we really get our shit together.
Let’s talk about how this compares to intuitive work. Intuitive work, typically is also a bartering system. It falls into these capitalistic rules, no doubt. But I want to be clear about the energetic exchange.
When you receive goods, services, etc. from the forces at be, you do typically receive an equal energetic exchange, however it’s fulfilling a need which is already in place. Many people may feel that intuitive readings are superfluous to some extent or degree. What need is it really solving? But that’s where our ideology is completely lacking and missing.
We feel that only specifically a precise or exact energetic exchange of goods under the guise or expectation of precise tangibility is considered ‘correct” or “accurate”. We have no expectations or even thoughts about things which live beyond the existence of an exact replica of our idealizations or expectations. We can sometimes get too caught up in these details, and not realize that intuition and the discussion and conversation surrounding intuition is not just valuable, but potentially even more valuable. With intuitive readings, not only do you gain potential predictions and validations, but you may also gain resonation, confidence, clarity, excitement, inspiration and thought starters for the future. Intuitive information can be… food for your soul. It can even help you develop a greater bond with your higher self, as well as your wants, feelings and desires. And despite us all living under a capitalistic society, in my opinion, there’s no greater value than that.
People who devalue intuitive information are incredibly stuck in a societal structure where there’s no extraordinary expectation of the transfer of goods and services. There just is. But intuitive readings aim higher than that.
Now, this isn’t to say that every single intuitive reading and intuitive reader can offer or provide this, but this is why we have a system of referrals, reviews and practice. We can all be better readers in our own right. But because of the resonation from clients, we know that intuitive readings work. It just falls outside the realm of these preconceived notions and expectations.
If we want to solve the situation that we’re in, and the system that we’re under, we need to think differently. We need to think broadly and beyond expectations. There’s truly no other hope for us. If we start to belittle the idea of a singular consciousness, hope and optimism for the future, and the power of an individual to change or disrupt the course of history through extraordinary means, then we limit the power of us as human beings. We ultimately, by proxy, belittle ourselves. There should be absolutely no limit on what one person can achieve, how they can influence the collective, and what the collective can do for greater good.
We need to start to understand that (most) intuitive readers do not aim to take advantage of people. Society takes advantage of us. Capitalism takes advantage of us. And the only way to remedy a change in our system is to have the power, skills and tools in order to do that. And part of that is abstract skills, soft skills, intrinsic power, feeling and motivation. And that’s not something that can often times come quite easily through traditional means. If someone is harassing you or negging you about receiving an intuitive reading, I would really consider their journey with understanding themselves. I hope and wonder if they may feel powerless, out of control, unable to see anything besides black and white. Wish them well.