189. Pain Is Truth


I think we’re all familiar with the phrase which sounds something like, “the only absolutes in life are death and taxes”. I’d like to add my hat into the ring and declare that “human pain” may in fact be an absolute.

Now, I do want to clarify that I consider there to be a difference between pain and suffering. While I believe most people would agree with me on a mental/emotional or physical level, pain is essentially the “start” or the “beginning”. Perhaps discomfort may truly be the start, but regardless, it’s certainly before suffering. Suffering I would simply say is prolonged pain. Perhaps somewhat of a controversial opinion, but I truly believe that as people, we are not intended to suffer in this lifetime. It’s just that I think we may be slightly confused as to how to transmute negative energy.

So let’s talk about why this is the truth. Why will people “always” feel pain. Even if hypothetically we got to a place or point where we became SO good at transmuting negative energy, we still live in a fractaled physical world. And the “truth” of this reality and this dimension is that we will continue to “seek out” what will make us whole. And through this process, we will be bombarded by negative energy and experiences, as well as a generalized process of trial and error. We simply do not walk out into the world and everything is handed to us. We are intended to co-create with our environment. And this can cause some “growing pains”. Growing is in fact, painful. As we continue to age, both mentally/emotionally and physically, we truly are faced with lots of pain. Would I argue that this pain is somewhat of a dissonance between our reality and our higher selves? Definitely. Do i feel and believe that even the most enlightened people are intended to go through pain in this lifetime? Yes. I truly believe the intention of this incarnation is to grow, evolve and learn. And it’s not always pleasant. I think that generally we can consider that success is marked by many failures. Happiness is a level of consciousness which has seen unhappiness. We know and understand what is good for us by knowing and understanding what is bad for us. “Badness” is important for enlightenment because it provides context and relevance. “Bad” is under appreciated, often times. “Bad” is not necessarily the enemy.

What is pain? I consider pain to be some type of a misalignment. Energy is moving one way, and an alternate energy is moving the other way. Similar how pain is created when two things “crash” together, in a physical sense. Inside or outside the bod. IN a relationship, when you see it going one way, and the other person sees it going the other, there is pain created with this dissonance. When you have expectations of your life which fall flat, there is also misalignment. Pain is two “alternate” routes. There’s simply no alignment. So how do we rectify this? We align. We have surgery to correct physical imbalances. We resolve issues with our relationships, in order to rectify the misalignment. We do whatever we can to bridge any gaps in our life created by us not following through with our dreams and desires. But the realty is, sometimes this misalignment is intended. Sometimes, things need to break free. Sometimes our dreams fall flat, our relationships end, and something has happened to us which cannot be rectified physically. As a result, it’s incredibly important that we rectify any “issues” before they become bigger ones. Before the misalignment becomes too great. That’s where listening to our intuition comes in. But of course, sometimes there’s not much that we can do.

So how does suffering come from pain? Quite frankly, we ignore or stop listening to our pain. We refuse to acknowledge/accept it, or just do anything about it. We let the misalignment continue. It’s of course, not helpful. But sometimes we don’t know how to align, or we’re too afraid to. It’s of course, quite ironic. It will feel better to fix the misalignment, but we are comfortable in the discomfort, in the chaos. It can ultimately become a learned or addicted behavior, the more uncomfortable or misaligned we are or have become. How do we simply “change” when we’ve been a certain way for so long?

It can be hard. But it’s never impossible. There’s ALWAYS time to heal. Maybe we may not get the precise results that we want, or as fast or quickly as we want, but we can always do our best to rectify a situation, or create alignment.

I think that the better that we are at transmuting negative energy, the more of a shot we have at eliminating suffering. We may not be able to eliminate pain due to our intended intention in this dimension, but I think suffering can one day “rest in peace”.


190. Are You An Authentic Leader?


188. Avoiding Fear Prolongs Suffering