190. Are You An Authentic Leader?


If you want to know if you are an authentic leader, it’s important to ask yourself this question:

Do you work on behalf of the collective or yourself?

Now, one could argue that we are always working for ourselves. In fact, we truly do need to be the boss of ourselves. But consider this concept moving forward, and allow yourself to use this as a foundational element. When moving forward as a leader, consider your decisions moving forward. Is this particular decision for the good of yourself, or the good of the collective?

Note that at times, this line can be quite blurred. After all, when we do things for the good of ourselves, it ultimately impacts those around us who we serve. This is where self care and self love comes in. 

But I’m more so talking about the intention and the reason behind decisions. Are you acting in a way which will make yourself look good and feel good, at the hypothetical expense of others? True, authentic leaders who’s mission is to serve, regain energy from their followers. It’s an equal energetic exchange. Yes, at times, it may be slightly unbalanced or unequal, but there is no one side which is depleted. In some cases, the leader may be depleted, which is also a sign that in the opposite way, there’s an unequal energetic exchange.

I feel the main difference here is that leaders who are truly meant to be leaders in this lifetime feel a mission related to honoring, serving and helping others. Perhaps it’s not entirely subconscious, but I do feel that it exists on a subconscious level. Those who are not, or are asked to work through themes related to managing and facilitating, do so as a result of insecurity, fear or the need for control. Ironically, those who step into power quite quickly and rigorously, I often time feel fall into this category. I believe we can all think of some who do not “deserve” to be leaders, from our singular perspective.

To a degree, we all must be leaders in some way shape or form. If we’re an influencer, if we’re a provider, if we’re a manager, and again, even simply leading our own self. Any time you are inspiring or gaining the trust of others, you are a leader. And sometimes, it’s a bit of a selfless task.

Due to the fact that we all must have some type of leadership responsibility, it’s important to consider why we are in the position that we’re in. Is this truly our field and our passion? Perhaps we even need to add more responsibility to our plate. Why do we do the things that we do? Are we having an equal energetic exchange? Why or why not?

I find that leaders who are consistently depleted may not be in the wrong field or position, but simply may not be connecting to their higher self, or to their audience as well as they should be. The feedback loop of energy may be slightly damaged and in need of repair. But the true answer is connection.

Consider connection as the true answer for even “bad” leaders. It becomes easier for them to disconnect from those who are serving as a means of limiting empathy. If you are a follower, ensure that you not just keep your leaders accountable by telling them what to do, but being incredibly authentic and showing that you indeed have a conscious. Bringing them down to a humanistic level may just be the way to change their trajectory.


191. What Is The Afterlife Like?


189. Pain Is Truth