205. How To Outsmart The Matrix


Well, well, well. Another matrix conversation. Somehow I can’t get out of it. Get it??? Sorry, bad joke.

For a moment, I totally forgot the “answer” to this question. Maybe I still don’t. I feel that “getting out” of the matrix and “outsmarting” it are two different things. So let’s specifically talk about outsmarting it.

First, we must understand what the matrix is. In essence, for a baseline level of understanding, the matrix is binary code. Or really, any ind of code, if you want to be subjective about it. It’s a code which is running on itself, and simply repeating itself. Imagine that at this very second, there’s a code generated which initiates our reality. Now you may be thinking… Sarah, it’s not a code. I can obviously feel and touch things. It’s not like it’s not real or a hologram. Well, hypothetically we don’t know that, because we could just be perceiving as a means of sensory code, but I hear you. And I also agree with you. I do feel that some things in the matrix are “real”, however those things typically have consciousness to them, like plants, animals and human. beings. But just because something is running on “code” doesn’t mean it’s not real. It’s really just an example. Let’s take an item, shall we? If you look at the piece of furniture next to you, its existence is repeating itself over and over again. Our existence rarely repeats itself over and over again, because we change and move. But there has to be “something” which retains its matter. Which retains its existence. The only reason it changes, is through consciousness interjection. So nature we could weather it, or I could move it. While there may not be a computer organizing my couch, we could theoretically, in a hypothetical imaginative world, realize that this couch is running a code… on itself. Again, perhaps not code in the way we think of it, but some type of couch DNA code.

OK, moving on. So we can theoretically assume or understand that the matrix loops itself. However. This loops changes, once consciousness interjects it. But here’s the kicker. We, as conscious beings, are particularly good at receiving matrix information, and working off of it. In other words, we perceive our physical reality, and work off of what we see. What we believe. What we understand. But this is very much living inside the matrix.

So… how to outsmart the matrix? Be perceptive, and not deductive. In other words, we need to “see through” the matrix through insight and intuition, instead of simply taking anything and everything at face value, or what we can physically observe. Otherwise, we will remain in this loop forever.

If we consider some of the most important breakthroughs of our time, they exist beyond the realm of our understanding. This is essentially the level of knowledge, information and intuition that we need to be working on. We simply react to things. We do not anticipate them. Yes, it’s true that we do have some anticipation behaviors, but we can never quite anticipate it well enough to circumvent it, in most cases. We are generally, very reactionary. What if we could perceive the projection of not only the matrix, but consciousness as well. And how they intertwine with each other. We could forecast the future with better accuracy, and understand the direction that we’re headed in. Quite frankly, I think acknowledge and acceptance of a matrixed reality would help us a lot, but that’s besides the point.

If we can read or channel the matrix, as well as read or channel consciousness, we have all of the information to bend, warp or shape shift not only our current reality, but our future one as well. If we can simply pretend that our matrixed reality as it exists in its current form is not really “real”, as it bends, shifts and changes all the time, we can think bigger than what we see or perceive. We can change lives for good, for the better.


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