206. All About Communicating With Spirit Guides


One of the most consistent questions I get about spirit guides is how to communicate with them. So I thought it was important to level set how I truly feel guides communicate with us. Hint: it’s not just angel numbers.

I wrote a blog post talking about “common” signs from your spirit guides, which can range anywhere from lights flickering to seeing “messages” or signs pop up on TV or in daily life. I think that we have a tendency to get frustrated when we aren’t seeing signs, and perhaps we may even get frustrated when we are seeing them and we don’t know what they mean. So let’s start from the beginning.

It’s not really our guides job to consistently or directly communicate with us. This is kind of a broad statement, and it seems a little bit harsh. But it’s their job to do a lot of the energetic “back work”. Kind of like if you were owning a supermarket, they would be in charge of the deliveries the stocking, the management, etc. We are the “face” of the journey and exploration. And there’s a lot that goes on that we don’t know about. 

So why lack of communication overall? Since guides aren’t here on earth, the extent of their communication can really only be picked up at the level that their “human” can communicate. So if you are expecting to have a two way conversation as if they are living, you may be disappointed. Aligning to your intuition and practicing psychic abilities can enhance your communication. But this is often times a double edged sword. Enhancing psychic ability is typically not just reserved for spirit guides. For those who are wary of psychic ability, you may find yourself closed off in all directions.

This is another great point to bring up. We may at times think that we want to know the “truth” about our lives; past present and future. But often times we can have a lot of blocks or fears preventing us from doing so. The key here is acknowledging and accepting these fears as a starting off point. They you can sort of “practice” or exercise out these fears with different types of exercises in exposure therapy. So for example, if you’re struggling to align to your intuition, consider perpetually getting yourself (safely) out of your comfort zone to practice newness and discomfort. And there are lots of other different suggestions you can take, however they are generally all filed under opening up your intuition and psychic ability.

Perhaps spirit guides not often times communicating with us is a bit misleading. They are in fact consistently “communicating” with us, however it’s likely not even through our language. It’s more so direction and guidance. You may find that a new opportunity or option pops up. Maybe you’re “guided” to the right place or the right time. On a subconscious level, you share an energetic wavelength with them, so they are theoretically “communicating” with you all the time. It’s just different from how we perceive communication.

This breakdown in communication style is what I feel often times frustrates people. We expect guides to communicate like us (visually or auditory) and guides expect us to communicate like them (telepathically).

But the truth is, there’s often times not much to communicate. We can be rest assured that they have our best interest at heart, and are consistently trying to make the world a better place for us. So long as we align to our higher self and intuition, both you and your spirit guides will be doing your/their job.

With all of this said, it’s obvious that at times, we do want to communicate with our guides. Heck, I try to communicate with anyone and everyone quite consistently. 

I think that on a foundational level, it’s important that we acknowledge that free will exists. And that there’s not always a “right” answer from our guides. On top of that, they can’t always tell us anything and everything we wish to know. I do believe there’s a level of “psychic secrecy” when it comes to our own lives. We are lead away from “ruining” good things for us such as surprises. At times, receiving information about our own lives can unintentionally intercept our own free will, which is kind of against the point of why we’re here in the first place.

I always tell people that your language and communication with your guides is incredibly unique, unlike anyone else’s. Don’t get too caught up with codes or traditional means of communicating with your guides. Consider what works for you, and then through your mind or out loud, ask if your spirit guides can send you a sign that you would be consciously aware of.

I find that if it feels like it’s a sign, it’s a sign.

Since we’re not sitting around all day looking for signs, it can be challenging to ask for a communication method which is super specific. But you can certainly try. The key is to do things in trial and error. Did you ask your guides to communicate in a certain way, and they do not seem to respond? Perhaps it’s not ideal for them, or even you, you’re just not quite aware of it. Simply try again. And simultaneously, work on that intuition alignment.

I don’t feel it’s imperative that we are in constant communication with our guides. To be honest, leaning too deep into our own “answers” and predictions can be muddy and cause confusion. I do feel it’s true that often times signs from our guides are simply validations. Again, rest assured that if you’re really not supposed to be doing something, guides will move you away from it. Generally, the better you feel overall, the chances are things are moving in the right direction. And it’s also important to have a level of hope and faith for the future.

Message to all readers: Your guides say hi :).


207. Respect Spiritual Badasses


205. How To Outsmart The Matrix