207. Respect Spiritual Badasses
It’s not uncommon for me tor me to see a “spiritual gangster” shirt out and about. But what are spiritual gangsters? And are we forgetting?
Look, it’s not my call to determine if you are or are not a “spiritual gangster”, or as I like to call, “spiritual badasses”. In fact, if you’ve done some deep and dark healing, it’s clear that you deserve that title. Some people have it ROUGH on this earth. And sometimes I feel like healing is worse than trauma itself. But nevertheless, here’s what I’m thinking.
There’s an “acceptable” version of spirituality. A commercialized form of the new age. Essentially whatever we visualize when we think of new age spirituality. Crystals, tarot decks, the occult. And all of it is incredibly valid. In fact, all things I subscribe to, myself. I don’t feel that there’s any right or wrong when it comes to aligning to a certain faith or belief. But here’s what I don’t like.
I don’t like when the collective becomes too comfortable with the surface level of a spiritual practice. There’s something about simply taking only what resonates, particularly the positive portions, and neglecting or negating the “bad” so to speak.
In new age spirituality, there’s a strong sense of holistic healing, particularly on the other side. Which means that there are many deep, dark energies which can and may plague people, which is intertwined with this “religion”.
It may be “easy” to be a tarot reader, or perhaps even an intuitive reader. To have significant knowledge of these practices. But who truly are the “badasses”?
I would reckon, anyone who answers any call. That means… people who are called in to work with those who are deeply indebted in negative energy and need healing the most. People who have no one left to call when they are being tortured by spirits, or perhaps even… tortured by themselves. If there’s an unknown force taking residence in your home, who do you call?
Whoever answers any call, in my book, is a spiritual badass.
Whoever has done “the work” which forced them to face indescribable pains, is a spiritual badass.
Those who empath the feelings of the collective are spiritual badasses.
Those who work with not just light, but dark, are spiritual badasses.
It’s important to note those who really make the world “go round” in terms of putting themselves in the forefront of unsafe situations. Who allow themselves to take on the energy of others. Who put themselves in positions so scary or uncomfortable, not many other people would do it.
We are all “spiritual badasses” to some degree. In fact, we are all here incarnated on earth. And that takes guts. But I want to take moments to respect those who in my opinion, truly deserve it.