216. Can You Rewrite Memories & The Past?


This is such an expansive and interesting topic, and I’m not going to lie to you… I’m not even sure I’m going to recognize the title by the time I’m done with it. But I want to talk about the memories we have, what they mean, how they effect us now, and more.

I think one of the most interesting discussions surrounding memories is… what is a memory? The truth is, a memory can really only be a recollection of something that we’ve experienced, that’s happening in the past. It’s important to note that a memory is truly ours. It’s our own recollection out of our perception value. In other words, no one else can really determine the validity or the resonation of a particular memory. You may remember it one way, and another person may remember it another way. In essence, there’s no “finite” truth. Yes, there’s collective “truth”. So for example, if you were a witness to a crime and there is physical evidence that you were around it, and there’s physical evidence of the death of someone else, we can with some level of certainty say that you had indeed witnessed it. Particularly if there’s evidence that you intervened in some way shape or form. But of course, the particular experience you had is unmistakable. You were not only experiencing the situation from your point of view theoretically and metaphorically, but no one was “in your shoes”. You had our own unique physical vision fo the instance. You contributed your own thoughts, feelings, emotions and ideas. You perhaps intervened in a particular way. Whatever you witnessed, digested or experienced was incredibly unique to you.

I use this particular example on purpose. And that’s to indicate that the recollection of memories in a factual or finite way, is typically only relevant for the justice system in a court of law. There’s no one that’s “requiring” you to recall memories quite like a justice system that was created by us to hold others accountable. Now, am I saying that we should not have a justice system which holds people accountable? of course not, I do believe that it’s an acceptable and functioning part or aspect of our society. But, I do wonder if it did not exist, what our relationship with memories would be?

The concept of memories is interesting, because it relates to the conversation of “going back in time”. Could we hypothetically go back in time to “change” what we experienced? Maybe. Any time you re-live a memory, in some ways, your energy is back at that point and place in time. How can this be? Well, o course you are not back there in a physical sense, but the “markers” of this energetic moment may still remain. Particularly if you are interacting with elements of consciousness. In other words, conscious people, places and things. We can test drive it now. Consider a memory that you’ve had. Can you physically almost “feel” it? Does it feel like you’re back there, even though you’re not? In many ways, our memories are “alive”, because we still hold their energetic resonances with us. On top of that, others which also experienced that similar moment in time have their own memories related to it. It’s a very curious and interesting topic.

So we understand that a memory is created during a particular point and place in time from our perception value. Others may have contributed to this memory in some way shape or form. So what do we do with these memories now? What is their point?

It’s a good question, and I think it’s relative to anyone and everyone. Our memories somewhat “make” us, particularly if we still hold on to their energetic resonances. They live inside of us, and create these energetic orbs or “prisms” in which we see the world. Although many times we hang on to negative experiences more than positive ones, they become a part of our identities. When we share moments with our friends and families, we look back on our memories. It provides context, insight and even value to our energetic relationships. We can understand our growth and evolution. We can look back at old times to raise our vibration. There is value in positive memories. Of course, looping our memories to feed our vibration may not be great. It’s important not to live int eh past. But it can be a good reminder for where we need to head in the future. Ultimately, the opportunities are endless.

I would argue that our good experiences likely guide us in the right direction and make us feel “whole” overall. In some ways, they can even bring us back to past lives. But what happens when we hold on to too many negative experiences? Certainly, these aren’t good for us. In some ways, we want to “rewrite” the past. But can we? And should we?

Also kind of a random and important note is to distinguish whether memories are “alive”. My argument is that yes, they are. However of course as a channeler, I consider most things to be “alive” which aren’t personified. Anything which carries energy is alive. And since memories are certainly energy which have a beginning, middle and end, as well as a sensory impression attached to them, I do feel they’re alive! In terms of how we are attached to our memories, or where or how they exist in the ethers, this is a little bit more complicated. But I can only assume that just as we hold on to other energetic orbs of ourselves, perhaps memories are just that. Simply energetic orbs attached to our energetic bodies. They have a physical “tie” to our bodies, but also exist in a consciousness space, which does not have any physical bounds.

It’s important to note that you can quite literally do whatever you want. our memories are in some way shape or form “alive”, which is personally why I feel that we tend to shy away from them. it can be like we’re “reliving” past, negative experiences. So what would happen if we “relived” a negative memory, but re-wrote it? Pretended that it ended a different way? Inhabited “better”, stronger energy? Transmuted this negative memory and pain. Hypothetically changed it? Or simply allowed it to “release” from our body.

Since the intention of this post isn’t to ruin all of our lives, consider a negative memory which you’ve had. Nothing too extreme or traumatic. And simply “relive” it. Start at the beginning of the impression. You can imagine yourself being in that position, or perhaps even from an outsider’s point of view. As if you are a fly on the wall. Experience that pain, anguish or discomfort. Watch yourself, or watch the situation unfold. Perhaps there can be some acknowledgement as to why it happened, or how. Let that energy flow through your body. Consider how you want the memory to end. Do you want it to end simply as it did, however you can “grab onto” a better feeling/emotion or sense of the situation? Do you simply come at it with a sense of love, peace, grace or acceptance? Perhaps you’d like to re-write it completely. I admit, this is challenging for me in particular, because it feels authentic. So while I don’t feel it’s impossible to “rewrite” the past, I often consider it to simply be “reframing”. But they are your memories, you can do whatever you want.

I genuinely don’t feel that rewriting or reframing memories is unethical. They’re simply ours. And only we are beholden to them. If they only serve to work for us in a negative way, why simply let them live as they are? Why not go back to them? It seems silly. Many people may feel that this is an inauthentic or “wrong” process. But right and wrong is relative. If there’s no reason why we need to keep a memory as it exists, change it. We have one life to live, and we ought to live it as we want. Particularly if we’re not hurting anybody. Again, there’s no regulation on memories, except when it comes to the justice system. A system of accountability, which we created.

I think there can be some interesting arguments related to re-accessing memories. Id o also just want to flag that it can be dangerous to completely re-immerse yourself in memories if they are incredibly traumatic. While I do feel it’s one of the bet ways to transmute them, it’s not the only way. I’ll share all of the ways to transmute negative energy in a separate post.

Now, the question may come up if its’ a “problem” to reframe memories, if you’re required to recall for certain reasons. There’s already a lot of issues with recognition recall, as eyewitness reports and accounts are inherently skewed. We’re theoretically already doing this process, without intention. My argument would be that with intention is not significantly greater, particularly fi we’re only doing this to a few, tragic memories. If the benefits outweigh the situation itself, then why not? Perhaps we can consider that “reframing” is the way to go. After all, we cannot “change” the physical past, but we can change our relationship to it, how we react, how we remember it, or the quality of impressions. Perhaps the events occurred, but they’re “external” to our emotions and energetic body. It’s almost like we’re watching a film. And we can consider how we want to handle this relationship, or these impressions, and how it affects us. We can integrate that level of grace and peace, and no longer let the negative emotions affect us. We can replace it with love.

The end note is that you’re completely in control. If you want to rewrite or reframe all of your memories, you can. And you can even choose how to do so, this is just my guidance and advice. The opportunities are endless. The entire point of our incarnation here is to create. And create our of our own point of view and perception value. Time should not be a hindrance in that.

Consider what your end goal is in terms of these memories. Do you want to release or let go? Do you want to have happy memories overall? Maybe you want to lose old, limiting beliefs which are holding you back. If you’re overwhelmed or confused on where to start, consider starting one of these intentions. And if you have particular memories you’re afraid to re-access, you can simply set the intention to do so in a safe way. There are also unlimited ways in which you can approach.

At the end of your life, you should be happy, or at least satisfied with all of the memories that you’ve created. You’re the manifestor/creator of your own destiny and journey, after all.


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