217. The Value Of An Indecisiveness Period


Many people have come to me with a challenging problem: They feel they are in a point or place of stagnancy. Additionally, they have no idea what they’re doing and what to do next. Whether this is marked by decision paralysis, or just not much motivation to do anything. A lot of people feel insecure and agitated in general not having a clear sense of direction. What do they do next?

It’s safe to say that practically everyone goes through a period like this in their life. It’s simply just the ebb and flow of energy. While it’s true that you can certainly get frustrated by this, remain stuck in a loop and have it be to your detriment, I recommend a process of redefining or reframing the issue to have a positive solution.

Whether or not you believe me, consider that every energetic period is in some way shape or form intentional. Otherwise, why would it be happening? It may be worthwhile to sit with yourself and dive into your subconscious. What is the specific reason for your time of “rest” or stagnancy? This may provide a bit of insight and allow you to not only be more connected to this process, but help alleviate some of that anger and frustration.

So what is the general point of this period of rest or stagnancy? There could be many. Perhaps the universe wants to pull you away from your current life or life path. Perhaps you’ve been going too fast and need to reconsider your next moves. In some way shape or form, this is an ask to “reflect” on your life. 

So how can you use this time to your advantage? Consider, of course, subconsciously and intuitively how it’s best to use this time wisely. Simply resting is a valid answer. Just ensure that this rest is not distraction-oriented such as scrolling through social media. True rest would be sleeping, meditating, relaxing, etc. Allowing your mind to wander and intuitive messages to come to you. This is so important to stop proactively avoiding what you need to be doing, or what’s good for you. Perhaps in general you’ve been ignoring “signs” for a while. 

If you are becoming frustrated that you’re in a period of too much rest, consider how to use this time effectively. Without a sense of direction, it’s likely that you’re in a “trial and error” period. In other words, whatever you’re about to be doing in the future may not be known to you. It’s likely something that you need to test and try out. A lot of clients are upset when they can’t get one decisive answer. But developing the connection and alignment with the next thing that you do is so important. It would be like if I told you what job or career to have. Even if it’s persuasion or an idea, you still need to come to this conclusion, and that needs to be done on your own time.

It’s important not to have such a clear sense of direction when you do need to explore new options. While it’s true that remaining in his period for a long time can be unsuccessful or unproductive, if you remain, perhaps you’re just not finding it yet. And more effort needs to be placed on opening yourself up to new options and opportunities. Without being open and surrendering to the universe, you may just remain stuck in the same loop over and over again.

The biggest message here is to have trust in the universe and yourself. Consider setting affirmations or intentions. You can certainly ask o have hat you’re meant to be doing highlighted or illuminated to you. Or even more subtle intentions and affirmations such as guidance for new options and opportunities overall. Successfully completing this “mission” or energetic timeframe will put you on the path to success. Just because you’re in this situation, doesn’t mean that you’re doing something wrong. In fact, it likely means that you’re looking to change and/or better yourself, so you’re “starting fresh”.


218. How To Deal With Ambiguity


216. Can You Rewrite Memories & The Past?