218. How To Deal With Ambiguity


This is somewhat a similar article to my previous one which talks about periods of stagnancy or periods of trial and error. Essentially, times where you don’t really know what to do. No clear vision, and no clear path. Sounds terrible, right?

Wrong. Looking back on these periods of my life, when I was at my most open and vulnerable, and surrendered to the universe, I felt incredibly free. Unencumbered by expectations, and no longer beholden to what I was doing before. I was truly creating and manifesting a new destiny. I just didn’t know it at the time.

As I mentioned, these periods of stagnancy, confusion or ambiguity are usually required at different points in our lifetimes. Whether we are moving too fast, getting too off-course, etc., we need to be brought back to our own reality and our center. We need to readjust how we do things in the future. This can’t really happen if we’re steadfast into a new or another plan.

But how can one really thrive during an ambiguous energetic state? Or perhaps just ambiguous situations altogether? Trust me, as someone with multiple Capricorn and Virgo placements, I tend to hate ambiguity. There’s no real plan or call to action. I mean, what’s the point?

The point is that this is a time for shift and change. It may not be “time” yet to move forward. Things just need to shift. So part of this opportunity and experience is about patience and divine timing. Do it when it “feels” right.

How can you most take advantage of an ambiguous time? The best answer is experiences, exploration, as well as trial and error. If you don’t know what you want to do or what comes next, I reckon you may need to find it. I think that a lot of people expect answers to come to them. As if they are being dropped off with a letter. The reason why this doesn’t really work, is that we need to energetically resonate with what we want to do next. It’s kind of like how you don’t really want to listen to anyone when they simply tell you what to do. Later down the line, we have the propensity to “regret” when we’re not on completely mutual terms with our next phase in life, or what we want to do next. It’s best that we often times seek it out ourselves.

People who are meant to do new and interesting things in this lifetime will tend to be on.a wandering path or a wandering timeline. They really need to “create” newness which doesn’t have all of the answers laid out in front of them. We sort of have to “create” this future with an amalgamation of parts. Sort of like searching for clues and puzzle-piecing them together in whichever way we see fit. I know that when I really step into my power and understand how cool this concept is, things tend to go well for me. That’s the intrinsic motivation I always look for. 

Consider instead of an ambiguous period, this is a “creation” period. Thankfully this is your life, so there are no real rules or regulations. And there’s no one really to report to. While this fact can make it challenging to move forward in the sense that the responsibility is entirely up to you, know that while yes, it is your journey, others are sent here to help you. Your family, your friends, your spirit guides and ancestors on the other side. You can always ask for help when you need it.

Consider that this time is for a fresh, new start. You want better in your life, and the universe is providing it to you. In a weird way, it can be a gift. Know that we don’t always have to be super steadfast, strong and motivated. There are times and periods of rest, too.

I think that eliminating some of this pain, guilt and shame can be helpful. The world won’t stop turning because you didn’t do an errand. Despite how much pressure you put on yourself.

Keep affirming, intention setting and trying. half the battle is just showing up for yourself.


219. When You Fake It To Not Making It


217. The Value Of An Indecisiveness Period