219. When You Fake It To Not Making It
We’re all familiar with the phrase “fake it til you make it”. In fact, a lot of people have found much success in this sentiment. But what does it really mean? Perhaps it mean something different to everybody, but here’s what I gather. There’s a success rate in pushing yourself to your limit. Perhaps projecting yourself toward something you haven’t done before. Something you have little experience with. Or just generally not enough experience with. Perhaps this is just required of life. We are never fully prepared for our next commitment. Not fully. And since we only have a short time here on earth, we need to take big leaps and make big strides.
I do also feel there’s a sentiment here which aligns to “the secret”. Similarly, if you dress for the job you want everyday, you may simply “manifest it”. There’s a sense of “faking it” in terms of having what you don’t actually have. In this sense, you embody the energy of the person that you want to be, or the place you want to be, etc., and you begin to inhabit all of the similar energies which comes along with it. You essentially harbor the perfect environment to bring this success or achievement into your life. You have a big green sign that says, “next opportunity here!”.
So when why is “fakeness” such a bad word? We discourage fakeness and disingenuousness. But… do we? We all acknowledge the success of inauthentic things. We consider that Hollywood and actors are sometimes the pinnacle of success. In some ways, a level of professionalism is needed and required for many things. Quite frankly, to move the earth forward. If we were entirely genuine with ourselves in the presence of others, we may offend or counteract our energies. Perhaps in some ways, we can make it difficult to bring ourselves together.
But maybe things would be easier if we were entirely genuine with ourselves. I suppose we won’t ever truly know unless we start embodying these practices. But I will say this. if you are living a life where you truly are “faking it” with a mask, and not being your authentic self… being your authentic self will be a shock to your system. It may destroy some elements of your life, and put you on a new path. Bu things certainly won’t be the same… at least for very long.
What if we take the first concept (first paragraph) and align it more closely to the last concept (previous paragraph). What if you use this ideology to become even more disingenuous, rather than achieving success aligned to your own intuition. What if you’re simply playing the game, but over and over again. Being your best self in somebody else’s eyes, but your worst self in relationship to your higher self or subconscious. If this sounds confusing, here’s an example. Say for example you decide you’re going to choose a certain career path. Perhaps this was something you once wanted, but more importantly, something that everyone else wants. And you’re quite miserable. Pushing along this path would be disingenuous. You’re simply faking it until you make it to some type of achievement which artificially satisfies you. You’re just all around… faking it.
What’s challenging about this idea is that this may seem like it’s authentic because you’ve achieved it. But it’s a superficial, disingenuous level of success. When we are on a path where we are more and more inauthentic, it becomes much harder to tell the difference. The lines truly have been blurred. I reckon this is why many people develop mid-life crisis’. You’ve been on one path for so long, you never really look back.
So now that we’re aware of this concept, what can you do to prevent it? It can be tricky, and it’s not a one size fits all solution.
The best advice is consistently check in with your body. Particularly in this fast paced world, goals and dreams tend to not last for very long. At some point, we’re onto the next thing. If we do need to adjust or change our life, it’s important that we do not run from it. And in general, we go with the flow of energies. We stay open and receptive to new opportunities. We let energies fo our intuition and higher self guide us.
It’s incredibly important that we continue to proactively address and conquer fear. And also important that we talk to our spirit guides. Ask them for our guidance, as well as set affirmations and intentions. It’s not wrong or bad to change our goals. In fact, it’s sometimes necessary. And it’s not because you can’t necessarily achieve it, but sometimes we just over time want different things.
The message here is not to say that at some points in time being somewhat “disingenuous” is a bad thing. We all have different masks, and we all need to “do what we need to do” to survive. I think that being fake or being genuine is a fluid scale. After all, we are changing every moment. Every new experience we have, we are determining how this fits in with our identity. Sometimes we may not even know!
Keep trying and keep moving forward. And set the intention it will all fall into place :)