235. What Our Physical Attributes Say About Us
I talk a lot about our physical appearances and attributes being intentional. In other words, we incarnate with particular attributes, intentionally. It can be challenging to come to terms with this if we feel “ugly”. Or if we are in a world where our attributes aren’t supported by the general collective. However, this is quite frankly the collective’s problem. It’s your job to be open, honest and authentic with yourself. You have the power to change and shift the perception of the collective. Maybe it’s not something you thought you’d have to do, but… we tend to acknowledge our responsibilities as time goes on. Regardless, even though I do not “face read” like a traditional reader, I still acknowledge some specifics. For me, it comes from a place of knowing and I intellectualize later. So what do I think about certain attributes?
Body overall: Body overall speaks to energetic mass, but primarily just here in the physical world. It doesn’t account for our grander/larger energy and/or our higher self. As a result, those with larger physiques may be able to retain more energy, and those who are smaller may be better transmuters. There’s of course lots of nuances depending on individual features.
Eyes: Eyes are particularly interesting because they truly are the windows to the soul. As I’ve said before, those who have a more open expression in the eyes as well as relationship to the eyebrows can speak to whether or not they are an older or newer soul. In other words deductive or perceptive. Shape in general can determine how they may see in terms of perception value in this lifetime.
Facial structure: Structure in general typically speaks to how we approach life in general. It can range from sharper to softer. Consider that they are “ridges” in which we journey through life. Different peaks on the face can also speak to amounts or even types of interests that we have.
Nose: I love the idea of noses in general because it’s typically our “outmost feature”. Therefore, it speaks to our integration into the world and the collective. Length and size in general can speak to how “forward” we are in our approaches. Rather than the face which can be concerned with multiple areas/aspects of life, noses are primarily related to our independence and our journeys or purposes here in this lifetime.
Lips/mouth/teeth: This is a complex area, because it has a lot of different duties. But it’s essentially our “processor”. In other words, it’s how we communicate and articulate language, as well as how we discern and digest food. It’s pretty much our first line of defense, besides our skin. It’s a strong boundary for energetic discernment, as well as a clarifier for how energy is exerted, as well. Size in general can speak to how much energy we may need to digest, as well as how much energy we may need to express in this lifetime. Lips in general can speak to the approach we have more specifically related to articulation.
Skin: Skin is a great topic because it’s often times tied into health concerns. Your skin is quite literally your barrier with the outside world, and more in particular, your current environment. Skin issues often times come up if there’s a dissonance between your environment and you. In other words, there’s misalignment. Skin color in general can speak to energetic depth. Not necessarily energetic mass (like size), but potentially the ability to access different realms of energy. Deeper skin tones may have more of an ability to access their higher selves or spiritual information/sources.
Hair: I feel that our hair is primarily correlated with our crown chakra, or our connection with the other side. The more “digesting” we need to do with this information, it may affect the color, texture and even preferred length of our hair.
Keep in mind that all of this is out of my own perception value, so you’re not wrong if you disagree :). The intention here is not to “make things up”, as I do use this in my daily routine. It’s to celebrate all of our physical attributes and gifts. And show that there is intention and beauty with everything, and that as a collective, we need to stop judging others because we are projecting our own insecurities outward.