236. The Forces Of The Universe: Duality


I consider there to be two forces of the universe: expansion and contract. In essence, in order for the universe to not just expand, but essentially continue on living (sort of like the lines of a pulse, energy needs to either go up and down, side to side, or more importantly, in and out. There needs to be direction which is repeated in order for there to be “change”. But any type of movement must be available or detected in order for it to be classified or qualified as “energy”. We often times deny that any sort of intention exists in this particular scenario, however I do truly believe that all energy has intention and consciousness, it’s simply not personified. 

On a scientific level, we know and understand that the universe at times expands, and at times contracts. It’s how stars are born/formed and how they collapse, as well. The same can likely be said about dimensions. But truly, we don’t fully know what goes on beyond our realm of physical observation and/or understanding.

So why is this relevant? In a lot of ways, this duality of expansion and contraction can be an overarching concept or theme for almost anything and everything in our lives. In other words, practically all energies or manifestations can be laddered up to “a” or “b”. Expansion or contraction. Well, how could this be? Technically, since all energy comes from source energy, it can also be laddered up to two things. Once it starts fractaling from there, it becomes a little bit more ambiguous. But in essence, it must be either or. 

But why would it matter? Beyond the fact that we can start to dissect energies and intentions in a more intellectual way, we can also start to “group” energies. In other words, it’s more so for our own observation and awareness. It’s for us to “make sense” of abstract energies so that we can work with them better. The more that we understand things, the more in control we may feel, or the more inspired or empowered we may feel to solve them.

Duality manifests in many different ways. Right/wrong, left/right, up/down, male/female, happy/unhappy, etc. It’s really polarity. In other words, it’s not just groups, but it’s also the difference between point a and point b, if we’re talking about a “range”, a timeline, or a physical sense of place or destination. It can go on and and on even beyond our earthly understanding.

The most important part of this entire conversation is regarding “acceptance”. If we start to realize that any and all energies are intentional, we can start to transmute feelings of guilt and shame. I do feel that fear, guilt and shame are some of the most powerful energies which keep us in place. If we can in essence, “move on” from them, Id o feel that we can live happier or healthier lives. This can be challenging to do when we think that things are “wrong”. While it’s true that there are behaviors, activities or even thoughts which are lower vibrational, or would be classified as “negative energy”, it still exists. And it’s likely that in some way shape or form, it was “handed to you” through karma, ancestry trauma, etc. and given to you to deal with. We are truly all doing the best we can with what we have available to us.

Yes it’s true that some people deny this fact and perpetuate these wrongdoings and evil. But I do still truly feel that at that point, they are just a victim to these energies as a whole. In essence, our ego is coming in between resolving our energetic trauma. If we look at life holistically, it’s so much more beyond this singular blip in time. It’s collective energy which we’re apart of, it’s hundreds of thousands of lives, likely only in this dimension or similar. And there’s no telling how long it’s been. In fact, it’s always been.

When we start to deconstruct what is duality, we can understand that duality is simply two sides of a coin. When we reject or repress the other side, we’re fighting amongst or with ourselves. And that’s a problem, because we’ll never be “whole” until we do accept it. With that said, there’s appropriateness for a point and place in time, as well as the opportunity to have boundaries. We can still reflect on “right or wrong” as a collective in the now, but rules, philosophy, and even ethics are only relative to a certain point and place in time.

It’s somewhat of a wormhole to dive into, but I would challenge you to keep duality in mind overall. See how things can start to make sense to you. And focus on bridging gaps between these divides.


237. What Are The Metaphysical Signs Of A Breakup?


235. What Our Physical Attributes Say About Us