25. What Do Passed People Communicate?
It’s interesting, because I never actually considered this question as a whole. To me, it seemed obvious. Passed people communicate whatever their particular intention is. So for example if I’m doing a reading for a client, they would send through resonations, maybe surprise and delight moments, and guidance and advice. Perhaps passed people who died of uncertain or tragic circumstances express what happened to them. Those who left with “unsolved” business share their stories in order to gain closure. Our guides share information to us which helps us along our journey, etc.
There’s sort of unlimited options and opportunities for not only passed people to connect to us and with us, but to share their information, wisdom, guidance and advice. I’d also like to point out that it’s not just passed people: We are connected to the likes of the universe through our intuition. Although I’m not saying we on a daily basis are connecting with some of the strongest, most forceful energies of the universe, through our subconscious, we can access all that is “alive” or conscious. And considering we all come from source, we share a (distant) yet real connection with them.
I like to think of it like this. We operate under law of attraction. Whatever we need to know or whatever we’re vibrating at, will be attracted to us. The same goes for people who are on the other side. We’re connected to our loved ones and whoever and whatever is relevant. If information is important and need-to-know, we’ll receive it. It just may be through direct communication.
I think the pretext of this question is what business do spirits have communicating with us in the first place. After all, aren’t they in “heaven”? Why do they need to talk to us? I see it like this. When we initially pass, we’re still very much “ourselves” so to speak. Generally we look like ourselves, we act like ourselves, speak like ourselves, etc. In other words, we have a very similar energetic body with similar thoughts, feelings and emotions. The more recent in time someone has passed, the more they “feel” like themselves. Therefore, these passed souls have a connection to earth. They need to heal their past traumas, as well as help their loved ones heal as well. They also simultaneously need to learn lessons on the other side. Besides direct channeling where I’m looking to gather the wisest wisdom in the universe, generally those who communicate with mediums are newly passed and going through this process. They are more human-like than other spirits who are more evolved. Generally, I feel that once you go past 3-4 generations, these souls ultimately “evolve” (or decide to return to earth) and are sort of detached from the human experience. They gain much more wisdom and insight and more importantly, bring together their fractaled parts. Consider that when we incarnate on earth we are “fractaled” or “imperfect” human beings. We are a very small fraction of our entirety. This means we’re a magnet for allowing negative energy to attach to us. It’s our job to “fill in” these fractaled parts with positive energy, experiences and opportunities. Once we successfully gather all of our pieces together, we “evolve up” so to speak. The human experience is no longer entirely relevant, and we can move on to be spirit guides, ascended masters, etc. Now don’t get me wrong, this isn’t to say we’ll never come back to earth, but this is the general trajectory of evolution as a whole. Ascended souls feel and communicate less and less like humans as they evolve. When souls are more evolved, they really only come through to share and explain the more abstract concepts and themes of the universe. Information is much more “whole” and there’s not a ton of information to disseminate. It’s actually quite interesting. They ultimately simplify much of what we experience here on earth, but in a good way. There’s a lot of nuance to it, but I feel that generally sums up less evolved and more evolved souls. But know that there’s no real “rules” and that there can certainly be exceptions.
The information that passed people communicate can be infinite. But in order to narrow into what is relevant, consider what can and would be relevant to them, or their loved ones here on earth. Although not all entities are positive (and in fact many like to wreak havoc), many come through in order to uplift our human experience. So for that, we thank them :)