243. Are All Wars Started Due To Racism?


It’s pretty easy to bypass the “true” meaning or intention of war. I suspect that you can excuse anything away with really… anything. There can always be a scapegoat for your actions, if you try hard enough. But what on earth would cause us to go to war with our own species?

I think we can and should start with the separations in war. If you are going to war with a certain type of people or a certain place, you have deemed them their own entity. And they are inevitably, the enemy. They are a classification of human beings which is different from you. If they were the same as you, you would use them and have them as their allies. But even if it’s simply their intentions overall, they are “different”. Unlike you, and likely, less than you. This classification is dangerous, and anti-spirituality.

If we consider that we are all part of source energy, we realize that we all share an energetic thread which is beholden to us. If we consider that if we were not energetically the same, or from the same source, we simply wouldn’t have the capacity or ability to interact with each other. But we do. When energy “fractals”, or in to her words, energy splits to create densities, dimensions and human beings, we become separate from one another physically. However, we still retain the same spiritual resonance. In a physical reality, we are somewhat unaware of this, unless we dive deeper into our subconscious. But for the most part, through agents of fear, we can and are able to see others as the enemy.

Those who are afraid of… well… quite literally anything can and will see almost anything and everyone as a threat to their control, power and livelihood. I do feel that this is the driving force behind so many problems. Our projection of this self preservation is not only anti-evolution, but it’s anti truth and anti-spirituality.

We, in our lowest vibration feel that others contribute to this fractaling. But the true irony is that through laws of energetic intention, we chose this fractaling. However, any time we do not feel in control of our own lives, we become the victim of this falsehood. And we tend to project that onto others. Either by controlling others or in some way shape or form making their lives incredibly miserable.

By design, our evolutionary pattern or trajectory is to be “ore whole”. The more fractaled we are, the more naturally we want to be more whole. Even if you don’t believe in spirituality or metaphysics, it doesn’t take a genius to figure this out. As human beings, we want it all, or at least everything we can get. We want success, fortune, love, family, friends, etc. At least perceivably. It’s not that everything wants the exact same thing, so I acknowledge that. But we want more at our disposal. We never want to be in lack of, or with nothing, that’s for sure.

The way to truly achieve this is to connect with others. To acknowledge that other people are these different parts. They are our strengths, and they can truly save us, as the universe prioritizes balance. Anyone and everyone who is intended to be here on this earth, is. Our warped sense of perception is that anyone and everyone has everything that we have, and due to a finite level or limit of abundance, they cannot. We must conquer, we must take over. And it’s not true. It’s us working within our own fears and fallacies. Our destruction of mother nature as well as the human race is what is our detriment. We lose their ally-ship, we lose their energy. We lose this balance which we will inevitably have to work so hard to once again restore. We will never be without differences on this earth. Because we retain any and all of the spectrum of human differences and emotions. We may not always be working with it, but we have it. Just in different quantities and amounts. When we kill others, we kill part of ourselves. We just didn’t know it was part of ourselves. And you don’t want to be the last person to notice this.


244. Manifest Like A Man… As A Woman


242. Quantum Healing