244. Manifest Like A Man… As A Woman
Let’s face it- it seems like more often then not, men get what they want. Perhaps it’s subtle, perhaps it happens over time, it’s consistent, or situational. But how do they often times just have a clearer path when it comes to this physical reality/ Either unencumbered by less emotions, or they leverage these emotions to work for them. It may feel that when a man does something, it’s successful. And when a woman does it, it’s unsuccessful. There are so many reasons why this may be the case, and so many causation factors. But I want to talk about strengths from a metaphysical perspective.
Although it’s not always, often times CIS men are working with more divine masculine energy vs. divine feminine energy. Divine masculine energy is often times related to “the physical”. It’s related to what’s “possible”, boundaries, order, building and structure. In other words, it may be easier for men to execute what they want physically. Or there’s simply a “clearer path”.
I do want to urge, however, that this isn’t always the case. And we don’t always have to fit in such binary roles. However, I’ve witnessed many instances of women not getting paid enough, not getting legislation to be passed for them or work in their favor, or them being the victim of many physical-related assaults. Even our bodies may naturally put us at a physical disadvantage. Again, not always, but some or more of the time.
This of course adversely means that men may not be as gifted in abstract arts or energies such as creativity, spirituality and/or communication. Keep in mind that everyone has their own unique strengths.
When a class or collective becomes way too silo’d into divine masculine energy or divine feminine energy, and we only prioritize this energy, it means that there’s a warped sense of reality. It may also mean that the other parts/aspects may suffer.
So how can we rectify this balance? What can we do to improve the situation?
Well, the first thing would be to address these issues on a personal and fundamental level. If we have a warped relationship with divine masculine energy, then it will be projected outward. Consider that “toxic” masculinity traits are typically warped masculine energy. Divine masculine energy is calm, consistent, orderly and boundary-oriented. It’s also very gentle. It relies on logic in a positive, helpful and healing way. It’s strongly associated with time, as well as being in the present moment. It shows through love and compassion, and not anger or jealousy. It embodies all positive traits. However, when it is warped, it becomes negative, or the opposite.
If we as women embody any of the “warped” divine masculine traits, or any preconceived notions or prior conditioning to make us believe that these things are not divine masculine or not a priority, or are attached to any unhealthy male behaviors such as belief in a warped power dynamic, we will unintentionally be projecting this energy out into the universe. So the first step is of course, to heal.
But what can we do in the meantime to supplement? We must manifest like a man. if the clearest path for manifestation for divine masculine energy or men is through the physical world, we must get any and all physical items and objects on our side.
We must prioritize our physical bodies and self-care. We must take pride and care of our space and our belongings. We must connect with our environment, people and nature.
One of my favorite “witchy” things to do is start spreading energy and intention into all of our items. Speak to your items. Tell your items how much you love it. If there are things that you use every day, talk to it. You can talk to quite literally anything. Items with transmute lots of energy would be the first place to start. This may be water conductors (showers/sinks), things that help and aid with storing of ingested items (fridges/freezers), and particularly electronic items which have the most “energetic reach” to the outside world.
See if and how your life changes by implementing these steps!