245. Energy Is Intelligent
I truly believe in laws of intention. In other words, energy always has an intention. No matter what type of energy it is. It’s true that our brains and our minds allow us to put together “thoughts” in regards to the physical world around us, and connect it to a higher source power, however not all energy is personified. Energy can be intelligent and not personified.
All energy moves. It’s always moving at any given point in time. Therefore it must have the “intelligence” to keep doing so, and its path and/or trajectory must be the same as well. Us as intelligent beings can reroute or redirect energy (similar to our minds and actions). And although that energy has a “guide”, it still has intelligence in regards to execution.
Imagine it like this. You are told exactly what to do and where to go, and you do it. But the act of acting it out has to have some level of intelligence. You need to inherently know what to do, even if it’s a baseline activity in order to do it.
Take for example breathing. We are not always intellectualizing our breathing. It’s an energetic loop which keeps going. However, when we become consciously aware of it, we can interrupt and/or control our breathing. There are certainly different levels of this.
The reason this is important is because all energy is important, and has impact. We truly are living our lives in lots of different loops. Perhaps we’re even unaware of certain energies going on inside or around us, or we’re even at worst, projecting the negative energies in which we’re inhabiting onto the world and others.
Unconscious energy has intention.
This should wrap up this entire article. You may be working with energies which are not serving you. You may be perpetuating previous myths or unneeded energies. Just because you’re not consciously aware of it, does not mean it does not exist.
The first step in this process and rectifying it is simply being aware of this topic, so this is ultimately already covered. The next is to shake up your routine. What’s in a loop? Keep in mind it may not be physical, it can be mental/emotional.
Every single action that you take has meaning and has intention. Do not live your life unintentionally or unconsciously. Take responsibility and control over your actions and watch your life change. In fact, you can even in real time watch energies around you bend to your will.