246. Why Comedy Will Save The World


One of the earlier thoughts I had during my spiritual awakening was the idea or concept of comedy.

Comedy is such an interesting genre. In particular, I focused on the delivery of news in a comedic way. How was it that people who told stories in their own tone of voice or somehow funny were more easily able to be listened to? People were just attracted to them in general. It seems that we not only seek out comedians for a source of entertainment, but a subconscious way for us to digest and understand news and the world more. But why would this be the case?

Delivery of information always typically has emotion. Unless of course it’s just simply written down. But typically there needs to be a “story” in combination with facts and figures. And this story can still be out of someone’s point of view, or still be persuasive enough to shift the thoughts, feelings or emotions of the collective. Even if it’s unintended, there can still be bias or the information may lean into a specific perception value.

But let’s be clear. Of course comedic approaches can have a bias. But here’s the point:

When information is presented in a way which triggers the collective to have guilt and shame (even if it’s not trying), this information becomes somewhat irrelevant. Of course it’s factually and collectively relevant, but there’s a very specific way in which we release our own negative energy. It’s simply based on acceptance. It dissolves guilt and shame. Whatever was blocking us or stopping us from transmuting this negative energy or acting on whatever it is we need to act on is released. This is inevitably, successful communication. 

Comedic approaches are relatable. It takes heavy information and provides it to the collective in a digestible way. As a result, people feel more confident and comfortable to not only receive this information, but as mentioned, to act on it. All around, it’s successful.

One may wonder if comedic approaches may be more beneficial than considered before. After all, often times serious topics can be lightened up with humor. Many comedians will say that nothing can’t be funny. But of course, there’s a tasteful way to do it. Considering that laughter is related to joy, in other words, the highest vibration, one could imagine that making light of or joking about serious topics may transmute this energy after all. There’s something about laughing at a collective experience which is somehow cathartic.

I do resonate with the concept that things must be taken seriously at times, but at what cost? We must not stray away from the true meaning or intention in life which is to align with higher vibrations, such as joy.

Overall, I find it to be quite an interesting topic, and wonder how this can serve us moving forward in regards to communication. Even if it’s just social media memes, we’re all attracted to humor in some way shape or form. Perhaps it’s time we use it to our advantage.


247. Capricorns & Music


245. Energy Is Intelligent