247. Capricorns & Music


It’s no secret that many famous musicians have Capricorn moons, or Capricorn placements in general. It’s kind of odd if you think about it. I suppose that one may consider that more “showboat” signs would be proper entertainers. But this directs energy elsewhere: It’s likely more about the music than the entertainment. So what is it about music in general?

I’ve spoken about how I feel that expression through music is not a given for Capricorn moons, and that I feel their duties are simply to teach the collective and allow them/help them to compartmentalize their energy. To me, it feels as though it’s more of a service than a “need” on behalf of the person itself. However, I’m sure arguments can be made both ways. But regardless, there’s something else I’ve observed which I find to be particularly interesting.

As someone with not just a Capricorn moon, but several Capricorn placements, energy compartmentalization is pretty much my strong suit. Any time I channel Capricorn energy, it’s almost like a Tetris. Lots of moving parts either fitting together or removing themselves from the equation. There’s much logic there, which makes it seem odd that it’s related to such a creative art.

In a lot of ways, I find that music is more than just creativity. It has an incredible spiritual component which is designed to re-compartmentalize or release others energies. I do truly feel that this is the connection that Capricorns have with music.

Although much of music is inherently spontaneous, swift and free-flowing, one can’t deny that there’s a science to music in general. It is after all, the layering of different components. This layering, in my opinion, strongly ties back to this game of “Tetris”. What are all of the aspects or elements that fit together? What is this science? And what is its intended effect?

I do wonder if Capricorns who make music have a deeper impact/resonance than other musicians whom make songs that simply “sound good” or are catchy. Not to say that other artists don’t have this ability, as I’m certain they do, but this energetic connection and quality is so important.

I do feel that music in general is much more mathematical than we perceive.

I recall channeling a past life where I learned music like a science. I understood what the collective liked to hear. 

In many ways, I consider ebbs and flows, dips and raises, as well as different melodies to be reminiscent of different energetic wavelengths that we as people go through. Every single type of element, beat and string of elements gives off its own layered story. It’s own energetic resonance. And I happen to feel that Capricorns have for whatever reason mastered this art.

If we consider that every sound wavelength carries through to multiple concepts and themes, without speaking words, a song could theoretically tell the story of someone’s life. I do believe that whether it’s resonation or aspiration, there are certain types or styles of music we individually gravitative towards as human beings. I think we can all consider moments where we’re simply in the “mood” to listen to certain types. I suppose if one tried hard enough, they would be able to construct a song which told the story of their life. However, the sounds would have to be super personal and meaningful towards them. Since we all have different perception values, perhaps the only ones who would understand are us.

It’s all very interesting to think about, and I do feel that, again, music is one of the most powerful conductors of energetic information. Consider this moving forward.

And of course, Capricorns and music are generalized. This is simply association and has no true bearing on ability.


248. How To Bend People To Your Will


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