248. How To Bend People To Your Will
Let’s face it, it’s a dog eat dog world out there, and we need to maximize our abundance and success. I want to be clear that this does not happen at the expense of other people, although of course in certain situations, it does. This is not the energy that we want to or even need to be putting out into the universe. I’m sure we can all relate to negative, toxic or controlled experiences. All it does is ultimately propel more issues of negativity and control. So how do we get around this? How do we remain strong and help others, while having them help us, positively?
It’s important to note that this is not a one-time thing. Even if for example, you can “convince” someone to do something for a short period of time, it’s typical that this isn’t long-term. Although we have “commitments” to others, whether this be through law or otherwise, we want to make sure that we’re working through this with an equal energetic exchange, or simply allowing room, space and opportunity for others to come into our lives which serve us, and likewise, those to be released from our lives which don’t.
As I mentioned: it’s an investment. I won’t go so far as to say that anything which is short-term is negative, as I don’t feel that’s true at all. It’s just that it doesn’t hold much “energetic weight” in order to propel it long-term. This can of course be created over time, but these transactional goods and services are typically in a short-term, professional manner. It is interesting because “professionalism” is a strong theme here. Consider if you were your own company. How would you treat your employees? Similar concepts and themes can be said for personal relationships, as well.
As obvious as it seems, the greater pursuit in life, the more help you’ll need. Say for example you’re in a period of stagnancy where you’re not doing too much or going too many places. It happens, and there’s no shame about it. But needless to say, you won’t need much “energetic help”. Since you’re not projecting your energy outward or forward, you will likely not attract a lot of people. People around you may feel that you need to sort out your own self and issues before they intervene. Aligned with this is keeping your vibration high at all times, so that you can attract others.
Stop leaning into instant gratification: When we’re too caught up in the next thing, particularly if it’s from a place of being starved, we’re only looking at what’s good in the “now”. I do feel that people pick up on this energy, in general. Thinking more long-term and strategically will bring in the right people into your life. It will help cause less “turnover” in terms of your connections, in general. And likely help you attract higher vibrational people.
Examine value/leverage and prioritize your strengths: Consider what you offer to the collective and your close relationships. Consider what they offer you. It’s OK to be more strategic in this sense, as you’re prioritizing both parties. While it’s true that there are some things which can’t be quantified, and spontaneous energies are sometimes incredibly random, it’s important to continue to assess your connections and relationships. Are there people sucking up too much of your energy? What do they truly offer you? Sometimes you have to step up to be the bigger person and release a once-positive connection. It’s particularly helpful to bring in connections which are your weaknesses. And likewise you can act as their strengths. Being totally aware of and living in your strengths will attract people to you. You’re clear about what you’re about, and they’re clear about what they need.
Visualize: Visualization is an important tactic for manifestation. Visualize where you’d like to be in your life in the next upcoming years. Focus on accomplishing and achieving tasks.
Keep boundaries distinct and clear: Boundaries are attractive, because we feel a sense of peace and knowing when we’re doing something “right” in regards to another person. Likewise, we do not want people to walk all over us. This is helpful to create guidelines not just for other people, but also for ourselves, in which we can ladder decisions back to.
Forge energetic relationships which are of equal partnership or energetic weight: This is somewhat of a repetitive statement, but fight for what you feel is right, and what you want. Often times others are limited or blocked by fear. Reach out. Be brave. Do what you feel is right.
Be strong and clear in your mission: It’s no surprise that those who are incredibly focused and passionate are attractive to others. There’s lots of reasons for this, but there’s value in strength, commitment, decisiveness, and quality of selectiveness. It’s somewhat uncommon nowadays. Additionally, they need to feel that what you are doing is safe and consistent. If not, they may feel that they will not be around you for a long time, or that it’s somewhat of a service transaction. Imagine it again, like a company. It’s likely that you may feel better about working for a company that feels safe and consistent. Not always, but it’s often times a bonus.
Have trust and faith for people in your life to learn and expand: Manipulation and control will get you nowhere. People will not stick neck out for you. in fact, they’ll likely tattle or retaliate at the first moment of convenience. This also allows people to have “lives” within a committed relationship with you, or an energetic connection. Allowing people to have peace and freedom by reinforcing this will help people feel happy and safe, which will raise their vibration and emphasize their commitment to evolving and learning. It’s all around better for your when your connections are higher vibrational. You certainly do not want to be babying them. Don’t waste your energy.
Be smart with what you’re offering: Be tactical. What does the collective need? What do people need? Perhaps there’s some self-reflection which may go into this. There’s no wrong answer. You’ll want to simultaneously stand out from the crowd while being honest and authentic. But I do feel that the closer we zoom into what we’re supposed to be doing here on earth, the more successful we’ll be.