26. The Perfect Relationship From A Metaphysical POV
There’s so much relationship advice out there, it can not only become overwhelming, but contradictory in a sense. I think that much of what we perceive to be the “ideal” romantic relationship comes from popular culture such as TV and movies. But… if you ask anyone what their real-life romantic relationship is, it’s not quite so similar? Isn’t it interesting that we portray an ideal which to some may feel unrealistic or unattainable? Personally, I believe that all of us are supposed to be on our own romantic love journey(s) and they all look quite different. Just because they’re not TV-worthy, doesn’t mean they aren’t valid, or especially less interesting and valuable.
Personally, I feel there are two “ingredients” to a successful relationship from an energetic point of view. Although we have so many different fractals and “distractions” so to speak, I feel it can be boiled down into two different schools of thought.
First is our energetic resonance. Our “soul” so to speak. It’s who we authentically are. Consider that this isn’t just one vibration, but an amalgamation of all of our parts which exist beyond this realm. This means that who we are authentically can be “us” from past, present or future lives. It gives us sustenance, value, and uniqueness to an extent. Many times we feel a “spark” or a resonation with people who are meant to be a divine counterpart in our life. A lot of times this is because we’ve lived past lives with them, or they are part of our soul family. Or we simply have soul contracts with them or are divinely “supposed” to meet them in this lifetime. You’ll know that this is the case because when you meet someone they may feel familiar. Even if it’s hard to tell at first. When you spend time with each other it feels like you’ve resonated with someone on a subconscious level. Time may seem to not exist, and there seems to be more purpose or intelligence to your meeting. There’s something which is “more”. It’s likely that these people may make you feel that you are home or at one with yourself. It’s important to surround yourself with people who you resonate with or make you feel at home or at peace. This is the first “ingredient” to a successful relationship.
Although the previous paragraph was stating things which are more abstract or perhaps mental, spiritual and psychological, what about the physical? I’m sure we can all relate to having a connection with someone, or perhaps going as far as deeply loving someone but it just didn’t quite work out. Perhaps it’s due to timing, or perhaps you just don’t have the compatibility in this lifetime. I like to call this part the “jigsaw puzzle”. Essentially we all have a matrixed coat of armor, or a matrixed grid. I picture this as being this sort of checkerboard system which is on top of all of us. Some have different shapes, others have different sized shapes, but they are all unique. I feel this is comprised of a lot of different factors. Perhaps it’s environmental, astrological, or simply what we’ve learned to be our strengths in this lifetime. It’s all of the skills and abilities we were incarnated into this lifetime with. Although it is an extension of our higher self, because it’s so fractaled, it is quite unique to this lifetime. Ideally, you want to find someone who has a “matching” grid. Now contrary to resonation, which is a similar energetic vibration, you want to find someone with a non-identical grid. Imagine that it’s two different shaped puzzle pieces, but they’re being put together. The idea is that in this physical lifetime, you will retain your strengths, and your other person will be able to “fill in” whatever your weaknesses are. Theoretically, you can come together to create a perfect “whole”. So whatever you seem to be lacking, this other person can make up. And vice versa. This allows you to move throughout life unencumbered. Keep in mind that as we all embody many different strengths, this can ultimately be quite complex and nuanced. However the point being that all of these different parts create a stronger, greater whole.
Now I do want to mention that this is simply a guide. You’ll want to resonate with someone, and help each other in this lifetime support each other through strengths and weaknesses. That’s essentially it. But although it sounds simple, it’s not always so simple to execute. Keep this in mind overall as you move through life. Perhaps there are even some learnings you can apply to your current relationship, if you are in one.