27. What To Do When You’re In A Hole


There’s a lot of ways to not only describe being in a bad place, but so many different “forms” of it so to speak. Whether it be depression, anxiety, substance abuse or mental illness. Although these are symptoms of a larger problem, what do you truly do and where do you truly go when you’ve lost the will to live? What do you do when you don’t feel you have a purpose. When you feel you don’t know yourself, are disconnected from reality. And so many other feelings which are “not right” or not making you feel as happy as you can be.

Although it may sound strange, my first piece of advice is to start to intellectualize happiness. Although we totally understand that there are unlimited amounts of fractals in the form of thoughts, feelings and emotions, vibrationally we are typically always at a place which is good, bad or in between. It would be similar to asking someone how happy they are on a scale of 1 to 100. Hopefully it’s closer to 100 than not, but it can really vary. This is representative of a vibrational scale, or in other words, how close to “source” you are. Source can represent several different things, such as “god” or furnace of all creation. But for those less spiritually inclined, it can simply mean oneness, or wholeness. It represents the pulse of all creation and the purest most truest essence of our existence. So what “percentage” are you? If you’re having trouble figuring it out, see what comes intuitively to you. You can even do an automatic writing exercise where you use your non-dominant hand to put a mark on a piece of paper which outlines a timeline from left to right. Personally, I feel I’m about an 85. It’s pretty high, but is it? 15 “points” away from being at my best.

I can totally see how this initial approach may be off-putting. Why rate yourself? Why even do it at all if we flux from low to high vibrations during the day? The intention is to hone into your energetic vibration at this point and place in time, and to actually “remove” any distractions which could be your mood, your thoughts, or perhaps the impact or influence of others. How do you feel truly, at your core?

The reason I bring this up actually ties into one fo the biggest fallacies of our lifetime, which is that we cannot be happier, better or more successful than we are now. It’s one of the most problematic sources of fear or any other “demons” we have within us or lying around in our space. We become so disconnected from reality and in my opinion, true logic, that we feel we can no longer get better. Things won’t get better than now. We won’t feel better than now, and it’s all simply hopeless.

The reason this concept is so obviously ridiculous is because it goes against the reality of the everyday. On any given day we flux between low and high vibrations. At certain points in our life we flux between low and high vibrations. Change, evolution and feelings come and go. They get worse, but then they get better again. Although we feel things can never get better, they still do within the scale of vibration. And if they can get better, what on earth would be preventing it from getting better than ever before? Nothing. Just because you simply haven’t experienced it yet, is ridiculous to assume it can never exist. The concept of complacency and that things will always remain as they may be, that there is no possibility for life beyond a certain time or the propensity for success is incredibly real to feel at a time, but so quite obviously fake from an objective reality.

The humungous problem with searching for a will to live is that one does not simply find it. One does not simply wake up and stumbles upon it. Likewise, it’s not something that will come to you, unless you come toward it, or at least meet it halfway. in order to find this will, you need to sort of remove yourself out of this current state of being. You need to practice and exercise this concept of being. I find that a lot of times people are in said “hole” because they have energetically blocked themselves from the most authentic parts of themselves, from the collective, and from this thing we call “source”. It’s a giant game and an experiment (as told by life) to determine what your path is back to source. So the trial and error happens. What is unfortunate is the farther you fall away from source, the more complicated it is to get back. Because then you need to take proactive steps. Which means that you’re trying to beat time. It can be incredibly overwhelming, which I think inhibits people from starting in the first place. 

This working to discover your mission, purpose, drive and motivation is not only not easy, but it can be hairy, reckless and often times requires a delusion of grandeur in order to completely remove yourself from your current circumstances. It seems irresponsible, unattainable and quite frankly, hopeless. To completely abandon anything and everything you know in order to search on a quest for something which not only may not exist, but even if it does, something that you can attain and acquire, is outrageous. But sit with that energy for a minute. It’s the most outrageous and outlandish thing that you can do, and that can happen in one’s lifetime. The pursuit of “nothing” but everything at the same time. It’s brilliant, magical and deserving.

The key ingredients are hope, proactive measures, abandon of preconceived notions, expectations and routine, experimentation, gratitude/appreciation and hope.

I must apologize as I’m practically delusional I’m so sleepy. And I’m sure I’ll re-read this and be certain it makes no sense. But I’m going to sit with the concept for a while and see what else I can come up with :)


28. The Value Of Revisiting


26. The Perfect Relationship From A Metaphysical POV