298. Strive For Society Without Government


Since my intuition opened up, the government (at least in the United States) has been an interesting target for me. And this is for one primary reason: Our government, particularly since we elect officials in this country, is a representation of the people. As a result, it’s kind of a great “sample” as to the problems that we are facing. We can start here if we want to see what is truly happening behind the curtain. It’s easy, as people, to get silo’d in our own zones. If you live in a city, you primarily interact with people who are culturally similar to you. And the same for more rural areas/farmlands. The United States is so large, it’s kind of a miracle that we’ve managed to retain ourselves for so long. But the sustain part… may be slightly lacking.

When we look at the government of people, it’s primarily in a triangular formation. The largest part of the triangle, and the bottom part is primarily our “ordinary” people. Essentially, those without government roles. Considering this is a pyramid, we can hypothetically assume that those who work with the government or alongside it are the next layer of the pyramid. Then we can have our government employees who are not working in politics per se, but work on behalf of the people. Then we have our lower government officials. Perhaps our community or city mayors. And then we go up from there and we talk about our congressmen, lobbyists, etc. And then of course we get to our higher courts up until the president of the United States. I’m sure I’m missing many facets of government, but this is just a quick example. As we can see, the majority fo the pyramid is below (with non-government officials) and the top of it is the president, whom typically gets the most attention out of all of us. And fair enough. This person was an elected official by all members of the United States. Essentially, a spokesperson. However this means that the voices of the people are hardly ever heard. It also means that this person bears the brunt of the country’s responsibilities.

Often times, we as people have a tendency to not just blame the government, but allow our problems to hinge on it. We expect the top of the pyramid to help and support the bottom. But it’s simply not possible. It’s not even logical. We need to do more to ultimately support ourselves. And after all, this small selection is simply a sample of the larger population. There will never be a time when the government solves our problems for us. In fact, it’s typically in their best interest to “sustain” as is, so that they can continue to receive capital from the people. So it’s really only in their best interest when finances are so bad, that they must ultimately intervene. But that is assumingely, their top priority, unless of course we are looking at leadership positions as a country throughout the world.

I think the problem starts when/where we pay too much attention to politics. The idea that the government can control us, is simply a fallacy. It’s a small governing body, when we the people… are the people If there is truly something we want to change or do not like, we can. Simply because we have more energy and man-power. I think this is an incredibly important outlook to take through life, and in order not to become more subtly controlled by our government over time. Governments can only do evil when/where their people are willing to go along with it. But when there’s adversity, the government has absolutely no control. It has no acting authority, really.Even if there is no direct or immediate physical action, intention is what is truly important, as that starts the process of acknowledgment, acceptance and proactive transmission of energy.

Now, here’s the key. In order for us to step into our personal-responsibility and feel this confidence, there needs to be enough “energy” and abundance for us to grab at. Even if this is factually an illusion, that there isn’t enough for anyone/everyone, if we are under a pre-conditioned fallacy that there’s never enough, there never will be enough, and we will start to turn on each other. Racism, homophobia and sexism perpetuated by political platforms are also a great way to divide nations and leave us with insecurity. Any sort of “pulls” in an economic system where we have safety/security insecurity are also great in order to manipulate and warp a collective. We need to understand that finite abundance, finite energy and finite finances are a fallacy if we want to get out of this cycle.

Additionally, it’s incredibly important that we are all on the same page. With this divisiveness, we will ultimately turn on each other, and direct that energy onto our peers rather than the political system government at large. People often times do this because they do not feel enough in control with their own selves, that the do not feel confident with facing the adversity of an established system. But if people perceive others as “weaker” they will likely use this opportunity to gain advantage of them. It’s incredibly important that we realize this so we can make actual progress and change in our own lives, as well as each others’ lives. We must align with hope, faith and optimism that we want a better and more successful world for ourselves as well as others, including those who come after us. If we are too ego-centric, then we will fail to realize there’s a larger point, and we will never envision large/wide enough to make our dreams and goals a reality.

There’s so many facets of our government and political systems, but it always boils down to this. We truly have the control and power, and it’s just a fallacy otherwise. We need to step into our power and control if we want to see any change happen. Or else, we’ll continue to perpetuate the same old problems over and over again.


299. Deduce Your Ancestry Trauma


297. My Experience Healing My Chronic Pain