299. Deduce Your Ancestry Trauma
So you want to know about your ancestry karma? Damn, so do I (lol). If you’d like to know more about what ancestry karma is, I have a couple of posts speaking to it. So I’ll keep this somewhat succinct and brief.
We know that ancestry karma is typically “inherited” in two ways. One is metaphysical, where we spiritually ‘inherit” different energies through our physical “DNA” so to speak. It just simply “is” the energy that we incarnate with. It could be that we lived past lives with our ancestors, or in some way shape or form we share an energetic thread.
The other “skeptic friendly” way that we inherit ancestry karma is through the physical world. We know that when we inhabit trauma or old, negative/stagnant energy and we do not process it or transmute it, we simply project it. So no matter what, your family’s problems inevitably becomes your problems. You may act this out in a similar way, or in a dissimilar way. The physical manifestation does not have to be the same. As a quick example, you may suffer abuse at the hands of your parents or grandparents, but instead of you abusing your children, you may internally suffer and become self-abusive, however you, again, never become abusive to others. So the way in which we manifest this negative energy can be very different.
I become very careful to not call ancestry karma “curses”, as I feel that curses are often times intentionally projected onto other people. In some ways, while it’s still being perpetuated intentionally or unintentionally, there’s a larger/universal or divine “purpose” with ancestry karma. We incarnate to make these situations better. To cycle out of them. In a lot of ways, it’s “rectifying wrongs”. In many instances, curses are intended to perpetuate more evil and chaos. I suppose you could argue that ancestry karma is intended to break curses.
But how are you supposed to cycle out of ancestry karma, if you don’t know what it is? Trust me, it’s not always easy. And sometimes it takes an infinity to learn. So here are some pragmatic/practical steps to attempt to intellectualize it/them. Keep in mind that you can still heal ancestry karma without the intellectualization aspect, so this will cover all parts:
Set an intention: You know it to be true. I say to set an intention for anything/everything. But here’s the truth: Sometimes we want to remain blind to our problems. When we acknowledge and accept, we proactively start the healing journey which we may have tried so hard to not address. This allows us to become more open to the intended result.
Start deducing patterns: Keep in mind you don’t just have to do this with the negative, you can do this with the positive. When I really spent time reflecting, I realized that I was more similar to my own parents, than I thought. Certain themes became “buzzwords”. And even though I struggled very differently than them, it was still somewhat under the same “umbrella”. Themes are still themes. Throughout this process you can start to note repetitive observations. If this is still too challenging, simply write down what you’re struggling with in your own life, as well as interpersonally. Without judgment or blame, see if this aligns closely to your own family members.
Observe in general: What’s really going on? It can be really challenging to see our life as well as our family’s life through a third person’s perspective. But it’s almost mandatory. You can do this by spending an intentional amount of time apart. You can seek out therapy. You can simply explore new options, opportunities and experiences. There are lots of ways to broaden your perspective so you can become more positively critical. It’s no surprise that these “people” in families tend to rock the boat the most. It’s because they are cognizant of the healing which needs to be done, while others are in a state or sense of denial.
Avoid triggers: This seems pretty obvious. Don’t trigger your family members, and don’t allow them to trigger you. But why? Other than retaining a sense of peace, which by proxy raises your vibration and indirectly helps your connections, it doesn’t allow the energy to foster. Consider that every time you trigger someone or get triggered related to your ancestry karma, a new negative daisy is popping up from the ground. Don’t proverbially water this garden. By perpetuating this energy, you’re going to make it so much more challenging for people to get out of “the hole”. Not just others, but yourself included.
Be better than you thought: Maybe this isn’t necessarily or a bit too stressful, but this is your FINAL NOTICE (lol). You have to start taking the high road! All of the loops and old patterns and behaviors that you shared with your family members have got to go. Don’t give into it or them anymore. Don’t give into your negative or toxic behavior. Who is “worse” doesn’t matter. Seriously.
Do what they never did: All that stuff that drives you crazy about your family members? Internalize it and be proactive. Think future actions. All of the stuff they didn’t do that you wanted them to, do it. All the stuff that they did that you didn’t want them to do, don’t. Put your money where your mouth is. Every time you make a decision in the face of your own adversity or theirs which is better than they would have done it, you’ve just healed your own ancestry karma. That’s all.